The Process Of How I Will Franchise The License Of New International Currency Model After I reveal the final world solution the new international currency model paradigm, I will franchise the license to worthy and qualified entity(s). Here is my current standard and process: There will be 2 opening offer: first is for neutral entity(s) and second period will for the “players”. Both will have a same process like this. 1. Open offer, sending invitation (about 15 days). 2. Accepting the bid (30-60 days). The requirement will beyond money matter. 3. Choose the “qualified” entity(s) with my own personal method(30-60 days). Money, wealth won’t be the factor. The total number of qualified entity will about 10 entities for neutral entity group and unlimited for the “player” group. 4. Qualified entity(s) will “battle” to choose the “title/name” and the platform method/technology to make sure they are different (30-60 days). 5. All qualified entity(s) will have 30-90 days to create the finished public product. 6. The roll out of new international currency to the public. This process could be up to each qualified entity or by my selection/way (including everything such as date, media stuffs). So the total time for the whole process is about 120 days to 180 days. The time between the period of neutral entity group vs the “player” group will be about 1 to 5 years, I not yet decide. Above is my initial thought at the moment and it will be the framework. The final version of the process, you will know immediately after I release the final world solution of a brand new international currency model system. The Savior Messiah Buddha
Health, Wealth, Spiritual, Planet Earth, The Universe, Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Ideas, Words
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Saturday, March 30, 2024
A Blind License Of New Currency Paradigm Model Now Only Cost $6666 USD
A Blind License Of New Currency Paradigm Model Now Only Cost $6666 USD The price for my “blind” license of new currency paradigm/model now only cost $6666 USD. The new catch is: you can “transfer/sell” to any other entity later if you do not want to use it for yourself/your team. And I do not care what the hex is that entity you want to sell/transfer for ! But there is only 1 slot. I want a fair trade that is why I have put this super cheap offer on the table for I do strongly confident and believe many other entities will have to come and buy my license after it being published. The deadline is for the next couple of days, no specific deadline, I will call off when I feel the time is up ! All the license will be hand written by me to the “qualified entity” (of course with their identification as well or just some nickname if they want), mostly all they need to do is show that proof to the “referee group”. Feel free to contact me if you want and as soon as possible. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
The final barrier for world peace is only $5000 USD !
The final barrier for world peace is only $5000 USD !
I am going to wait until receive that small amount of money so I can make my final decision for location and date.
I do believe entity(s) who interested in new international currency system model/paradigm do not have any issue with that little money.
It is not easy for me to find a decent place/location to write, to share the world solution !
I want to get it done correctly.
It is already late so wait more for next couple of week(s) or even month(s) won't change much my personal mood/feeling right now.
Thank you,
The Savior
Friday, March 29, 2024
I Will Make My Final Decision After The Easter Day March 31st 2024
I Will Make My Final Decision After The Easter Day March 31st 2024 Few days ago, I have share my current personal thinking. I will going to wait for the next couple of day more to see whether any “good” and “smart” entity left who will want to either obtain a license/permission or cooperate with me about the new global currency system model/paradigm. Therefore, I can only make my final decision next week after the Easter Day on March 31st 2024. It is not easy for me to make my final decision. If I was forced (against my will power) to release in Hanoi, Vietnam then prepare for the collapse of all current big nations and most of them will return to the state of 1940s. If I have to find only reason to do the releasing in Vietnam then it is only because I want to protect my relative members but nothing else and frankly I extremely hate and disappointed with the current Vietnam Government & military for let the evil entity who inside the Vietnam GOV attacked me and “kidnap, blackmailed” my family member since 2020 but did nothing ! But most likely I will choose the option of a quick stop in either Thailand or Singapore or Malaysia to release the world solution. But this option will require financial support ($4000 - $5000 USD) from the rest of this society/civilization. Therefore, it will need more time. Please understand that, most of my decision will only affect the “back-end” level but not about the public affair of low level mortal humans. A very conflict and terrible situation. But I have to make the choice soon. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Thursday, March 28, 2024
There Will Be 2 Different Kind Of License For My New Currency System Model: Creating & Using
If I The Savior Have To Take The Blind World Solution Releasing Then There Won’t Other Wisdom After
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
I The Savior Is Seeking For About $5000 USD To Release The World Solution In Singapore
I The Savior Is Seeking For About $5000 USD To Release The World Solution In Singapore It seems no any entity want to either buy my “blind” offer or want to work/cooperate with me about the new global international currency model. If I have to make a “blind” bet action of releasing the final world solution – a new international currency system model/paradigm then I want to do it in a neutral fair nation. Due to my restrict visa/passport, the only nation I feel comfortable is Singapore. It is for both physical realm and spiritual realm. I do not want any beings/entities can take advantage of it. But I need about $5000 USD for traveling to Singapore (including a round trip ticket, hotel, foods and other expenses). The devices for the live streaming session has been bought and I will do real testing in the next couple of days if I decide to do the releasing in near future. Cryptocurrency Account: Bitcoin BTC bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva Litecoin LTC ltc1qjng4kdxyu2e2e5vsnn9fpscrc459fphhg7k3qn ltc1q26e6nrm3at0s6ud75lgkmj0g4ypltj6fg8jjyd BitcoinCash BCH bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm bitcoincash:qrl2en5dmdzx0rnmvm7j4eh297dmvp97wvwxxnpj33 eCash XEC ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru ecash:qzq42lh5k7y9pqyexf5mtk0puqnqem95hypyqm4xxz Dogecoin DOGE DNz9qB5RvnoYSbuYQx2HZEY21B8nqiiyiQ DAMgm3aGNrHdwKiMBZ3nEwHtv3R6qQe12Q Tron TRX TAFw214XgFHaoLGvNiqpNhatTEc8MfS9zy TEhvJSCX6azRsQ5bSUh8bdYuFCL61j6gGP Digibyte DGB D9EnUKrD9bEi6wTCzy7wQa1NAoPhMNZUwH DT5gcQfSNFigyinrrqcKTtKyCvJye8oNew Dash DASH XtXu8Angb67r4YKXYFLws14CxNzBW7MiH4 XiMvuNJ2nk1vzVEV4FpAj7T7bEa9QeEosi Lumens XML GDKT3Z6T27RFJV4PJEIK66WRNCFRHWEHSXH5WVUAF5UUEAOIYYQU2LGH GA27O7VYGYA5BRPSVATNE5XTL73VRID3OLKKIPDMDTSXNIRH4YNZSZBL Qtum QTUM QgzSXe1sgi65KQrWFAgEvkfQV1iLzbHm1B QRuZnjzegToXSkLSzVL7Shia5LWBFiZ1Nh Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH Binance Smart Chain BNB 0xe06045908f736fdb3c8c8c741fd310878edb3901 0xf10bf77ee8052addb5ca121385f84949ae9978ff Ethereum ETH 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 0x47D2a24715294deEdAa98Ff502Dd521a8114400c For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately. If you really want world chaos end and a new better future then you should support me immediately right now ! Thank You Very Much, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
What Option Should I The Messiah King Choose Now To Save The World ?
What Option Should I The Messiah King Choose Now To Save The World ? It is not easy but quite difficult to choose “how to finish” everything. What option should I the Savior should choose now about the final world solution of new international currency system model ? - Option 1: continue wait till a real human/entity who want to obtain a license/permission of my new currency model vision contact me directly. - Option 2: make a “blind” bet of releasing without any request from the rest of this civilization. - Option 3: disconnect and stay away of the current chaos affair and wait for the “better” moment (where I have real desire/motivation to release). I still do not know why no any real official government or the military contact me to request my “potential” working solution that will bring world peace (at least for the present timeline) but they still prefer go war and cause chaos world wide. I do not like option 3 unless completely lost desire and motivation. So most likely it will be either option 1 or option 2. I do prefer option 1 for it will be more natural way of life. Even if I choose option 2 then who will able to “implementing” that big vision ?! But I will only do that option 2 in a very strict conditions and will have to think very carefully since they are totally go against “law of karma” and mostly I won’t able/have other motivation to focus on human evolution teaching later after that point. Regard, The Savior
Each Religion Group Will Only Receive 1 License Permission To Create 1 International New Currency
Each Religion Group Will Only Receive 1 License Permission To Create 1 International New Currency You can create hundreds of different new international currency in my new vision for global currency system paradigm. But in order to make it fair to all people, all nations, all religions then I will only allow each religion group to create/own 1 new currency (maximum 2) for the initial time first 5 years after the releasing for example. While after certain years such as 5 – 10 years or more, there won’t be any limitation. Not only that, 1 nation will only can be the host of 1 new currency only, no matter how big they are. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Monday, March 25, 2024
I The Messiah Will Only Give License Of My New Currency Model When I Am In Fair Neutral Nations
I The Messiah Will Only Give License Of My New Currency Model When I Am In Fair Neutral Nations I will soon will release the world solution the new currency system model paradigm. I will giving out license permission to only worthy entity(s) in some fair neutral nations or location I like. Here is the current nation(s): - Singapore. - Australia. I have to tell you first for privacy and avoid any corrupt entity can deceive others. I will probably do it via hand writing (with live streaming session) by myself. No middle man, no agents, I will do it directly. Remember & Mark my words ! Thank you, The Messiah King
Live Streaming Tools Devices Are Ready, Now It is Only About Date, Time, Location
Live Streaming Tools Devices Are Ready, Now It is Only About Date, Time, Location Last few days, I have bought necessary device(s) for the world solution releasing live streaming session. It will be a 4K video quality live streaming session (that device support up 8K). Depend on the network, the video qualify could be reduced to Full HD or 2K video qualify. I think a Full HD 1080 is enough already but still buy a very high quality one. Now it is only matter of date, time and location. I will wait for next couple of day(s) to make my final decision. For now I am waiting all entities to make their final choice. Regard, The Savior
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
The Standard Will Be Extremely High For Any Entity Who Wish To Receive License Of New Currency Model
Monday, March 18, 2024
Open Ticket For The Messiah’s World Solution New Currency System Model Live Streaming Releasing
Open Ticket For The Messiah’s World Solution New Currency System Model Live Streaming Releasing It is all about currency system. Nations do not want to use USD, Euro, GBP, Yuan, Won, Rub, Rupee, Yen, etc. People do not want to use cryptocurrency either. Thus the only solution left is creating a new currency system and expect nations and the people would accept it, there is no any other option. I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha have spent enough time to do research, crafted many ideas in the past but none of those success. But this time is very different, I strongly believe this is the one people would love for this new unique idea, solution, vision is involved in all matters of life (not only the financial factor). I want to releasing it in private mode but also want all the interested parties know it. For that reason, I am choosing the private live streaming method. Here is the information of that live streaming session: Platform: Youtube. Type: private. Date: any day after March 20th 2024 (most likely within the next 10 days from now) Ticket: open for qualified people/group/entities. Open ticket offer deadline: March 21st 2024. I will send the invitation live streaming link before couple of hours before the live streaming session but I will inform a specific time and a range date when I finally decide. Who are the qualified people/group/entities? The one who interested in new currency system model/paradigm. It won’t be free but you need to send a small amount of donation in exchange, unless you are the official top national government/military or referee group. If you want to obtain a private ticket then contact me: For personal contact: - Email: talk @ visionbodhi . com or speak @ visionbodhi . com or info @ visionbodhi . com or join @ visionbodhi . com . - Matrix Channel: . - Telegram: . Then I think all human management groups will probably want to obtain the license/permission of my new vision for the new international currency system model. And I have prepared for that scenarios already ! It will be a “bloodbath” and a real competition for sure. Unless you obtain a cheap “blind” license/permission from me before that world solution releasing live streaming session happen. There is no time left, so I will do it very quick. Feel free to send this special message to all beings/groups who interested in new world currency system. Best Regard, The Messiah King
This Civilization Are Need A New International Currency System Quickly !
This Civilization Are Need A New International Currency System Quickly ! For all the international trading cross border between nations: Nobody want to use cryptocurrency. Nobody want to use USD, Euro, Yuan, Rub, Pound, Rupee, etc. Therefore, the only choice is is creating a new currency system model/paradigm ! I have that final vision already, do you have want to know or want to obtain a license/permission from me? It will coming soon ! Best Regard, The Savior
Saturday, March 16, 2024
If I The Messiah King Was Forced To Release World Solution In Current Situation Then Prepare For The Destruction At The Top
If I The Messiah King Was Forced To Release World Solution In Current Situation Then Prepare For The Destruction At The Top No matter what happen, I will release the world solution within the next 15 days or so. Now it is only the question of how I will going to do it and what will be my mood. With the current state and personal situation, then I can say this: all of you better prepare for the real destruction from the top entities, that is because I am unhappy to do that things in that condition(s), an unnatural way. Therefore, some high level entities must gone in exchange for that process. And the current world and I do not have much time left to wait. I was given enough time, offer and opportunity for all of you especially the top beings/entities already. I want to finish everything. That is law of karma and what will happen. I release this message to give you final warning before I took actions. Of course, there is a tiny chance (less than 1%) my solution will be wrong. But I remind you this: I never given warning and hold any new knowledge wisdom for this long (usually share within 1 week) but this time is very different because I fully smell and confident in this final world solution vision which I am holding. Frankly, I would even gambling “correct or die” world solution if any beings entities have guts to take that bet ! The Messiah King
All Other Non-World Solution Offers Will Be Delivered Later
All Other Non-World Solution Offers Will Be Delivered Later My priority is the current world solution and the biggest issue the currency system, financial system. If you obtain any other offers such as the special forbidden human God evolution knowledge wisdom then you can send me the fees now but I will only delivery send you the “product, service” later after I fully release the world solution. To be honest, the chance for you able to obtain any of my offer(s) will be close to 0% after the moment I release everything to end the current world chaos. So be quick, be smart ! Regard, The Savior
Do Not Time Left So I The Savior Messiah Will Release The World Solution In March 2024
Do Not Time Left So I The Savior Messiah Will Release The World Solution In March 2024 There is no time left. I think I have given enough time (30+ days are enough) to know, to understand the current situation. If no any entities have guts to contact me or obtain the license of the new currency system model or even just sending me some small financial support then I will go with the plan of total destruction. In that option, I will still release the world solution for this current society/civilization but in exchange: there will be a lot of beings/entities going to gone/vanish/collapse. And I will start from private to public. Which mean I am going to put hope to the neutral entity/referee group first. It is going to be a private live streaming to private video/image. If you want to avoid that total destruction then you still have couple of days left to either contact me or sending me some financial support so I can pick the most fair decision for all. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Who is going to take responsible for refusing the real Savior Messiah ?
Who is going to take responsible for refusing the real Savior Messiah ? To all of you who have rejected me the real Savior Messiah Buddha, prepare for the sudden collapse destruction and deadly orders from God(s), Deity(s)! It is crazy and absolutely non-sense ! Instead of either a direct talk or financial support, all of them choose war chaos ! If they want war chaos, then fine, I am going to give them even more war chaos ! The final decision will be made soon and 99.99% is a complete disconnect, ignore until there is a real connection with me from a real human of this civilization. If I choose to release world solution in current personal state/situation then all the current leaders from both the shadow and public will 100% instantly gone vanish. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Friday, March 15, 2024
I Urgent Need $2000 USD To Buy New Phone Tablet Laptop For World Solution Release Via Live Streaming
Please Support Me Quick, I Want To Make Final Decision In The Most Fair Way
Please Support Me Quick, I Want To Make Final Decision In The Most Fair Way The truth is that if I have to release the world solution at the moment in this current personal situation, it is not good for it is the “forced” unnatural way. I want have enough money to have full vision of the future for each scenario(s) so I can make the best possible decision. You can understand this is some kind of “future vision” via “super sense” of human God. Frankly even if you guys send me 10,000 USD/Euro right now, I won’t even sure should I buy new smartphone or laptop or using the current existing phone. I won’t even sure whether should I travel to Singapore Malaysia or go to Laos Thailand or choose China, Vietnam as the location for world solution releasing. But one thing for sure is if I do not receive enough support/do not have enough money then the only “forced” option is releasing the world solution in my current living location of Hanoi, Vietnam or nearby city. I do not have enough money for traveling to any other nation. In order to have the best possible solution, I really want to have the financial support from the rest of you. I was even willing to trade the special human evolution course just for little money. There is no time left for me to make money and I prefer to try to solve the world issue than the easy path of making money from low level beings in this current civilization. If you want speed up the process of world peace or want to enter new era on Earth then please do it quick. Cryptocurrency Account: Bitcoin BTC bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva Litecoin LTC ltc1qjng4kdxyu2e2e5vsnn9fpscrc459fphhg7k3qn ltc1q26e6nrm3at0s6ud75lgkmj0g4ypltj6fg8jjyd BitcoinCash BCH bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm bitcoincash:qrl2en5dmdzx0rnmvm7j4eh297dmvp97wvwxxnpj33 eCash XEC ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru ecash:qzq42lh5k7y9pqyexf5mtk0puqnqem95hypyqm4xxz Dogecoin DOGE DNz9qB5RvnoYSbuYQx2HZEY21B8nqiiyiQ DAMgm3aGNrHdwKiMBZ3nEwHtv3R6qQe12Q Tron TRX TAFw214XgFHaoLGvNiqpNhatTEc8MfS9zy TEhvJSCX6azRsQ5bSUh8bdYuFCL61j6gGP Digibyte DGB D9EnUKrD9bEi6wTCzy7wQa1NAoPhMNZUwH DT5gcQfSNFigyinrrqcKTtKyCvJye8oNew Dash DASH XtXu8Angb67r4YKXYFLws14CxNzBW7MiH4 XiMvuNJ2nk1vzVEV4FpAj7T7bEa9QeEosi Lumens XML GDKT3Z6T27RFJV4PJEIK66WRNCFRHWEHSXH5WVUAF5UUEAOIYYQU2LGH GA27O7VYGYA5BRPSVATNE5XTL73VRID3OLKKIPDMDTSXNIRH4YNZSZBL Qtum QTUM QgzSXe1sgi65KQrWFAgEvkfQV1iLzbHm1B QRuZnjzegToXSkLSzVL7Shia5LWBFiZ1Nh Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH Binance Smart Chain BNB 0xe06045908f736fdb3c8c8c741fd310878edb3901 0xf10bf77ee8052addb5ca121385f84949ae9978ff Ethereum ETH 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 0x47D2a24715294deEdAa98Ff502Dd521a8114400c For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately. Thank You Very Much, The Savior Bodhi
I The Savior Will Take At Least 5 Days Off From March 20th 2024
I The Savior Will Take At Least 5 Days Off From March 20th 2024 If the current situation still stay remain the same then I the Savior will take at least 5 days from from March 20th 2024. It could be 5 to 10 days, I won’t sure. There could be an announcement or not later around that date but most likely no. During my those days off, I won’t care about what the hex occur around the world and won’t check the internet, won’t even turn off the computer. Very disappointed with this society and civilization. They are living without common sense of real human ! Thank You, The Savior
Why There Are Not Any Contact Or Support From This Civilization ?
Why There Are Not Any Contact Or Support From This Civilization ? I do not understand why there are not any either contact communication or support from the rest of this civilization. Are they do not want world peace or at least a new game instead of current old stupid outdated game of life on Earth? Are they lack of desire and motivation? What I was request and asking are very little but I only receive nothing in return. No contact or money donation. OK, I will wait for more couple of days. If I have to angry then prepare for the destruction and even more deadly orders than any other God(s) command ! The Messiah King
If You Want More Privacy Then You Can Contact Me Through My New Personal Website Channel
If You Want More Privacy Then You Can Contact Me Through My New Personal Website Channel I have just purchased a new hosting and domain. If any of you wish more privacy then you can contact me through that personal website. The address is at: www . vision bodhi . com. You can contact via email address or through that forum platform. For email address: then you can send me email at talk @ visionbodhi . com or speak @ visionbodhi . com or info @ visionbodhi . com or join @ visionbodhi . com . For a new forum account: you can request me directly by either email or channel: . Or telegram: . Then you can send private message with your user at my forum platform. I think that is the highest level of privacy, security that I can provide and offer to all of you. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
All The Current Offer Requirement Will Only Available Till March 20th 2024
All The Current Offer Requirement Will Only Available Till March 20th 2024 I have just shared my new personal contact email for those who wish more “privacy”. All of my current offer requirement will only available till March 20th 2024. After that deadline, the requirement will be more restricted and harder and even more brutal for those who wish to obtain the offer. The reason is I cannot wait longer, I must make my own personal decision. And I think 5 more extra days are enough to all groups/entities ! Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
New Personal Email, Website, Project Is Up For All Of You Can Contact
New Personal Email, Website Is Up For All Of You Can Contact
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Thursday, March 14, 2024
After The Deadline, I Won’t Care If God Give Out Even More Ugly Orders To All Of You
After The Deadline, I Won’t Care If God Give Out Even More Ugly Orders To All Of You After the deadline of March 15th 2024, everything could occur. Based on the current situation overall then high level beings/entities like God(s), Deities could give out some very ugly orders to all of you such as: - All the useless leader(s) must fight each other till dead in a cage limited area battle. High chance. - Nuclear war. Low chance. Why ? Because those useless leader(s) could not find the solution for the current world chaos that mostly related to both the currency system and human development evolution ! The Messiah is me and is open to help with very low requirement but they all refused and rejected. Thus it is 100% their fault ! I think high level beings already “knew” that I have finally found the correct answer/solution for the current world issue(s) in almost all areas. That is my personal prediction. Please understand that the real neutral referee group do not care whether I am the real Messiah or not for they play their own game ! This is my warning with the hope that all of you wake up and send me all the support I am looking for the world solution releasing. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha The Lord Of Lords The King Of Kings
I will treat all the money donation without contact are from the neutral entity group
I will treat all the money donation without contact are from the neutral entity group You can send me money donation, financial support if you want without the need of contact/talk to me. I will treat all those beings like a neutral entity. Of course, there are a lot of beings do not want to pick side but stay neutral in all case. They may want to help the world but for some reason(s) they could not do it directly such as lack of knowledge wisdom or lack of desire motivation or something like that. Therefore, if any of you want to put hope and faith into me the real Savior Messiah Buddha then you can still send the money donation without the need of contact/talk to me. All the the financial support mean there are some beings left from this corrupt civilization are still waiting the “miracle” world solution appear. Thank you, The Savior Messiah Buddha Bodhi
There Will Be Maximum 1 Slot For Each Nation In My New Currency System Paradigm
There Will Be Maximum 1 Slot For Each Nation In My New Currency System Paradigm After the deadline (March 15th 2024) pass then a very strict rule will be implement and using. And one of them will be the limitation of slot for each nation in my new currency system model/paradigm. I was thinking using the ratio based on population and land size but that only apply for nation that either want to obtain license permission or do business with me before the deadline pass. 1 slot of each nation mean 1 new currency not only have the headquarter location restricted but also the official big branch must be unique as well. No matter whether United States or China or India or Germany or the UK, etc. all can only have only 1 entity that is holding/create 1 single new currency in my whole new currency system paradigm/model. The exception only apply to nation that able to sending me necessary support I need before the deadline of March 15th 2024. That is in the case I decide to release my new currency system model. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
List Of Blacklisted Entities That Not Allow To Either Create Hold Or Use My New Currency System Model
List Of Blacklisted Entities That Not Allow To Either Create Hold Or Use My New Currency System Model Not all entity are equal. All the entities who either attacked me directly or indirectly must pay the price heavily for they did really slow down the process of world peace and let many millions people die and billions people was/are suffering greatly. I am going to top neutral entities and referee group to give out the information I needed from the back-end. Here is the current blacklisted entities that not allow to either create hold or use my new currency system model: 1. Not allow to create hold and use my new currency system model: - All the social media platform that tracking spying selling information of the use such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. - All the beings/entities that attacked or refused to send me all the support I needed, especially the financial support. - All entities that have any link with the Vietnamese Government Authority. 2. Not allow to use any feature in my new currency system paradigm: - All the websites/platform/entities that is tracking/spying the people for whatever reasons. - All nations that allow the black magic occur at the top level in the capital city or within the national government/military. I am not going to remove any of those in above blacklisted but only adding more. I hope neutral entities and neutral referee group send/forward above message to all and remember this for the future after I reveal the world solution of new currency system model/paradigm. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
The Worst Case Will Be Either Totally Ignore This Society Or Put Hope In The Neutral Entity
The Worst Case Will Be Either Totally Ignore This Society Or Put Hope In The Neutral Entity There is a very high chance there won’t be any entity buying the “blind” potential new currency system model/paradigm or I won’t receive enough necessary support for the final world solution releasing. What would I do in those case? There will be 2 choices: Choice 1: ignore this society or/and wait for real human contact me. Choice 2: put hope in the neutral entity/referee group by writing the world solution like a product and hope them able to read then promote it to all top secret group of this society/civilization. I do not see any other choice left in my current personal situation. Depend on the situation, I will make final situation soon. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
All Nations That Ignored My World Solution The New Currency System Model Offer Must Disband Immediately
All Nations That Ignored My World Solution The New Currency System Model Offer Must Disband Immediately I have decide that if do not receive the support I need for the world solution the new currency system paradigm model then my first order is all the nations that have received the offer information but refused to either talk or buy will going to be disband immediately or can be understood that their current political structure must collapse and replace with the new one. All the agencies such as CIA, Mossad, MI6, KGB, etc. also must be disband for do not do their job in a proper way that. Including all the secret societies who ignored me as well ! The deadline is around March 15th 2024 (15/03/2024) or the day I release the world solution new currency system paradigm/model (should be very soon after that deadline). I hope neutral entity, referee group can send above urgent message. I must send everything in advanced before doing something big and important. Thank You, The Savior Messiah King
It Is Going To Be A Private Live Streaming For World Solution Releasing
It Is Going To Be A Private Live Streaming For World Solution Releasing I was talking about a live streaming for the world solution the new currency system model/paradigm. And now to be clear, it is going to be a private one. Because I only want the neutral entities/referee group or the beings/entities who make donation see and watch that sacred live streaming. It will going to happen and occur for sure. But I have not yet decide the date and location. Contact me if you want a ticket to that sacred historic live streaming session ! I am not going to publish everything for free but all will be maximum privacy and security ! Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I Do Not Need High Traffic Stats, I Want Either A Real Talk Or Money Donation
I Do Not Need High Traffic Stats, I Want Either A Real Talk Or Money Donation All the traffic statistic are meaningless to me. What I am looking for is real connection between humans. So please stop using any BOT but either start a real conversation with me or make money donation so I can know at least a real human is still have hope and faith in me. Thank You, The Messiah King
The Final Step Seem Very Easy But So Hard To Complete
The Final Step Seem Very Easy But So Hard To Complete
All the difficult task is done and finished. Now it is only the final step of writing and releasing the final world solution of this current timeline in this civilization But it is not easy due to lack of support, connection from the rest of this civilization. There are only few beings/entities are watching and waiting me but they stay in the shadow. The difficult here is some question like: - How to release it ? - Will is safe to release ? - Do my works will be recorded and honor ? - What to do next after the releasing ? If I decide to give up and permanent farewell to this civilization then it will be very easy for me to release everything but that is not the case, at least for now. Regard, The SaviorI Trust The World Military & Neutral Entity Group But They Must At Least Connect With Me With Real Actions
I Trust The World Military & Neutral Entity Group But They Must At Least Connect With Me With Real Actions I do have trust on the world military and neutral entity group but all kind of BOT view, statistic number are absolutely meaningless, pointless. I want either real talk with humans or decent amount of money donation. I do think all of my request are very easy too meet. It is all about the “will power”. If you are from the neutral entity group then I do hope you guys gals can let me show off my final solution in the most fair way. I am not alone in this civilization but I do not see any real connection yet. I need to be very careful about everything. Even the option of disconnect and waiting more time is also on the table (despite the fact I do not like it). So I really hope all of you using common sense of human instead of relying on any other non-human stuffs. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
All Offers Are Open To Negotiate About The Price, Requirement
All Offers Are Open To Negotiate About The Price, Requirement All of my offers about everything including new currency system model or forbidden human evolution knowledge wisdom, etc. are open to negotiate about the price, requirement, conditions so feel free to contact me as soon as possible. The reason is may not about the money but could be about “spiritual” barrier from your side or some kind of secret hidden rule which I not sure. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
List Scenarios For My Final New Currency System Paradigm Model Appear To This Society
List Scenarios For My Final New Currency System Paradigm Model Appear To This Society The mysterious barrier is getting clearer. How my world solution the final new currency system paradigm model should be appear to the people in this society? Well, first you have 2 separate groups: the public low level beings group and the high level private group. For the public low level beings group, there are 3 options: Option 1: The raw information will appear in the white paper information only and everybody are free to use. Option 2: The final product of new currency system will appear in form of final product. Option 3: The raw information will appear in a forum and I the author will be the one who will give out the license/permission publicly. For the high level private group, it will be very complicated for it will be the secret battle between all groups in order to “create/hold/control” a new currency in that new system. But for me, as the author I will either: Choice 1: will decide who what entity will be allowed to create the new currency and the name, date period. Choice 2: let all groups battle/fight against each other in a natural way without control. Now I have not yet decide which option/choice I will going to be use. Most likely, I will start from the most private one first then move to the public people. Beside those option/choice above, I do not see or have any other idea of how my final world solution will be public. I am still waiting for support, connection from the rest of you from this civilization. I really want to have full option and all the financial I need so I can choose the best possible way instead of the unnatural “forced” way. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Specific Location For The Final World Solution Information Releasing Will Be Religious Sites
The Specific Location For The Final World Solution Information Releasing Will Be Religious Sites No matter whether it is Singapore Malaysia or Vietnam China, the specific location for the final world solution information releasing will be in the religious sites such as the temple, church, mosque, etc. Of course the condition is those religious site must allow me to using camera, phone, webcam to record it for the live streaming. It is the ultra maximum privacy and security condition which I have in mind at the present moment. It is coming for sure but the specific dates and location I still not have yet for I still waiting for the support/connection from all of you from this civilization. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Monday, March 11, 2024
Please Understand It Is Not About Money, It Is All About Connection Between Humans !
Please Understand It Is Not About Money, It Is All About Connection Between Humans !
What I am looking for is not about money but it is all about connection between humans in real life. I have revealed my personal information long time ago with my contact info. So it is pretty easy to contact, to talk with me with just few click through cyber internet world or go to my current living city to meet me face to face. Another option is sending financial support so I can know you guys are really want me to help but for some reason(s) (hidden rule or level too low or fear), thus could not contact me at the moment. If no any entity have gut to do that then sorry I cannot help but must either wait longer time or totally ignore all of you. I am a real God in human form. I am going to take decision based on common sense of a real human God. Thank you, The SaviorIf Both The Player Group & Neutral Entity Group Refuse To Support Then I Must Disconnect With You
If Both The Player Group & Neutral Entity Group Refuse To Support Then I Must Disconnect With You
All I can say is this: if both the player group(s) and the neutral entity group(s) refuse to send me the support I need for the world solution new currency system model paradigm then I have no choice but must disconnect with all of you. The player group(s) are the most of you. While the neutral entity group are the one who do not pick side, do not fight with any mortal human in general. Without real listener, it is absolutely pointless and waste of time for talk about big things. I am aware some of you are watching me closely but without real objective and goal, all the statistic number are meaningless ! If neither direct talk or some small amount of money cannot meet then it indicates that there is no real humans who ready to receive the blessing, the knowledge wisdom, the world solution at all ! Now I still have some little desire left to help the rest of this civilization. But I won’t sure in the future. The deadline is around March 15th 2024. So I really hope all of you be quick and be smart. Thank You, The Savior Messiah BuddhaSunday, March 10, 2024
This Civilization Not Worth To Save If They Refuse To Send Some Basic Support To Me The Messiah King
This Civilization Not Worth To Save If They Refuse To Send Some Basic Support To Me The Messiah King
What I am requesting and demanding are very normal, simple and basic. All what I am looking for at the moment is just the personal prefered condition to do the work, to release the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model. I am not asking for big money but only about $10,000 to cover the travel to neutral nation and equipment expense, no more no less. I have even shared and revealed my personal information in this current civilization of this realm. If the rest of this civilization refused to either talk or support me, then which mean they are not yet ready to receive the world solution, not ready to enter the new era. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah BuddhaI The Messiah is Battle Against Not Only Mortal Humans But Also Other Gods, High Level Entities
I The Messiah is Battle Against Not Only Mortal Humans But Also Other Gods, High Level Entities
Life is very complex. I the Messiah Buddha is battle against not only the evil from mortal human group but also the high level beings entities group as well. That is the reason I must take everything serious and with caution. It is only takes maximum 24 hour for me to release the world solution but I want to get it done in style with maximum level of security and privacy, in both physical realm and spiritual realm as well. I also highly recommend you guys rally behind me the one is supporting the mortal group rather than any corrupt high level beings/entities. They are deceiving lying to you ! I am not asking you any big but just some normal basic condition or small amount of money to help you cover the travel expense. It is super complicated situation for it involve in all matters, all benefits of all groups from low level to high level one. Regard, I The Messiah is Battle Against Not Only Mortal Humans But Also Other Gods, High Level EntitiesSaturday, March 9, 2024
Not Much Time Left So I Hope All Special Agents, Neutral Entities Work Quick And Hard
Not Much Time Left So I Hope All Special Agents, Neutral Entities Work Quick And Hard
There is not much time left so I really hope all the world special agents, world military and neutral entities work quick and work hard to send forward all of my offers to all beings, groups, entities who interested in new currency system model which in my opinion the only way for world peace at the current present moment. I want the final answer before March 15th 2024. I think 10 days are enough ! Frankly the offer of new currency system model/paradigm was sent about 20 days ago already. So about total 28 days. I must make choice and decision quick, there is not much time left. Waiting is not the solution ! Thank You, The Savior Messiah KingI Prefer To Talk, To Deal Directly With Real Human Rather Than Solo Self Talk
I Prefer To Talk, To Deal Directly With Real Human Rather Than Solo Self Talk I want and always prefer to talk, to deal directly with real human(s) rather than solo mono self talk/post on my own personal blog/website/forum. What is the point of self talk/post without interact with real human(s) ?! But if for whatever reason such as secret hidden rule or permission or level too low or any other reason then I will have to make decision of waiting or continue self talk. I have set and put the barrier of some financial support requirement to indicate whether or not have any real human are listen to my voice, whether they want me to release/share the world solution the new currency system model or not. There is no need to fear me in the illusion cyber internet, just talk to me directly ! Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I trust the White races more than the Yellow, Black, Brown but they need to wake up give me a chance
I trust the White races more than the Yellow, Black, Brown but they need to wake up give me a chance I have enough real life experience and very well know how the mortal human work. Of course in each race, you always have this or that kind of person. But overall, in term of honest and trust, I would choose the White races over any kind of other races (Black, Brown, Yellow, Red, etc.). But the White race must to step up, wake up and at least give me a chance. They think too simple. They need to think more crazy and prepare for all the potential scenario(s) such as: stolen work/idea/vision from the other race(s) or something like that. That is the reason I need to do everything very careful, especially my works related to world solution, new currency system model. Please wake up, sending me all the support I need if you really want me to help you and your group/race ! Best Regard, The Savior Messiah King
I The Messiah Want To Move, Obtain 1st Class Passport Of Australia, USA, UK, NZ, Germany or Canada
I The Messiah Want To Move, Obtain 1st Class Passport Of Australia, USA, UK, NZ, Germany or Canada Hey guys, I the Messiah want to move and obtain 1st class passport such as Australia, USA, UK, New Zealand, Germany or Canada. By default, I will do new digital currency project model/paradigm in those nations. I am looking for support and help from the top government and entities from those nations. Sending me offer if you interested in have the Messiah as your new citizen. You will receive enormous benefits for sure ! Let me know as soon as possible for I can only accept and move to 1 nation. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Friday, March 8, 2024
I remind all of you that the Human Evolution How To Become Immortal Beings Courses is still available
I remind all of you that the Human Evolution How To Become Immortal Beings Courses is available For those who do not know or forgot, I remind with all of you that the special courses of human evolution forbidden knowledge wisdom of “How To Become Immortal Beings” is still available. The full information can be found at this link: .
I want a fair trade so if you want to support me, you can obtain that special courses rather than 1 way money donation. I think I will only accept 1 beings in that courses because I fully confident in my upcoming world solution wisdom thus won’t need money after that point. Therefore, I won’t found any reason to offer that special forbidden wisdom courses at all. So please be quick, there is only 1 slot remaining. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
All Of My Options For World Solution New Currency System Model Releasing Have Similar Requirement
All Of My Options For World Solution New Currency System Model Releasing Have Similar Requirement I do have specific details of what is going on between all secret groups/organizations so it is a safe choice for me to give all the offer and options with similar requirement available to choose. Whether any beings/entities ready/willing to obtain the license permission or want to do business with me or not, I will see. Even the “free” option is also not really free but there is barrier in between. The neutral entities, special agents or neutral referee group will probably choose the “free” option. While the “players” group will choose the “paid” option. I have my own standard and my own requirement. I do very well know my stuffs, my knowledge wisdom, my power. I think too big that is why I have skipped and refuse to making money but only focus on the world biggest issue the currency system. Of course I can provide more new unique information for human development evolution but it won’t lead to world peace so it is just waste of time for me to do it. All I can do now is waiting for the rest of you from this civilization to connect with me by sending me necessary support or obtaining my offers. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
If Receiving Enough Support In This Lunar Month, I Will Release World Solution In Next 15 Days
If Receiving Enough Support In This Lunar Month, I Will Release World Solution In Next 15 Days For all the option of both “free” and “paid”, if I the Savior receive enough support in this lunar month (within next 50 hours from now), then I will release the world solution the new currency system model in the next 15 days or so. Otherwise, I may have till the “appropriate” moment in the future. So I really hope receive the support from the rest of you from this society in this lunar month. Thank You Very Much, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Messiah Will Stay Active Till March 15th 2024
I The Messiah Will Stay Active Till March 15th 2024 I think 10 days are enough for all beings/entities to make their choice and decision of my offers that related to world solution the new currency system model/paradigm. Despite the fact that I have said there won’t be deadline for any offer(s) but the truth is the chance for me to accept providing any offer will decrease by the time. I will stay active (check message/mail every day) from now till March 15th 2024. After that time I still stay inactive and won’t check message/mail often. That barrier the rest of this civilization must choose and connect with me because that indicate whether you ready to receive the solution or not ! Thank you, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Thursday, March 7, 2024
I The Messiah Is Seeking For Sponsorship To Release World Solution New Currency System In Singapore
I The Messiah Is Seeking For Sponsorship To Release World Solution New Currency System In Singapore The method is set (live streaming). The location is set (Singapore). Now it is only about the timing. I prefer the “paid” option, but I must prepare for the “free” option as well. Now I the Messiah is looking for sponsorship to release the world solution the new currency system model/paradigm in Singapore. I am looking for a round trip ticket to Singapore. I am looking for a 5-6 days stay in a big reputation hotel/resort in Singapore. I am looking for some decent equipment to do the live streaming. If you can send me the “ticket confirmation” then is OK. Other method is sending me financial support. You can send me financial support via various ways: Cryptocurrency Account: Bitcoin BTC bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva Litecoin LTC ltc1qjng4kdxyu2e2e5vsnn9fpscrc459fphhg7k3qn ltc1q26e6nrm3at0s6ud75lgkmj0g4ypltj6fg8jjyd BitcoinCash BCH bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm bitcoincash:qrl2en5dmdzx0rnmvm7j4eh297dmvp97wvwxxnpj33 eCash XEC ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru ecash:qzq42lh5k7y9pqyexf5mtk0puqnqem95hypyqm4xxz Dogecoin DOGE DNz9qB5RvnoYSbuYQx2HZEY21B8nqiiyiQ DAMgm3aGNrHdwKiMBZ3nEwHtv3R6qQe12Q Tron TRX TAFw214XgFHaoLGvNiqpNhatTEc8MfS9zy TEhvJSCX6azRsQ5bSUh8bdYuFCL61j6gGP Digibyte DGB D9EnUKrD9bEi6wTCzy7wQa1NAoPhMNZUwH DT5gcQfSNFigyinrrqcKTtKyCvJye8oNew Dash DASH XtXu8Angb67r4YKXYFLws14CxNzBW7MiH4 XiMvuNJ2nk1vzVEV4FpAj7T7bEa9QeEosi Lumens XML GDKT3Z6T27RFJV4PJEIK66WRNCFRHWEHSXH5WVUAF5UUEAOIYYQU2LGH GA27O7VYGYA5BRPSVATNE5XTL73VRID3OLKKIPDMDTSXNIRH4YNZSZBL Qtum QTUM QgzSXe1sgi65KQrWFAgEvkfQV1iLzbHm1B QRuZnjzegToXSkLSzVL7Shia5LWBFiZ1Nh Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH Binance Smart Chain BNB 0xe06045908f736fdb3c8c8c741fd310878edb3901 0xf10bf77ee8052addb5ca121385f84949ae9978ff Ethereum ETH 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 0x47D2a24715294deEdAa98Ff502Dd521a8114400c For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately. Frankly I do not know how much money is should need right now for free option but that total number is probably around $10,000 USD. I fully understand the entities who are looking/waiting for the world solution the new currency system model do not have any problem with that small amount of funds. So I really hope can receive either ticket booking confirmation or some cash as soon as possible. You can contact me if you want to support or more talk. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Messiah Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free In Singapore Malaysia
I The Messiah Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free In Singapore Malaysia I prefer the “paid” option of direct contact with humans rather than the “free” option of solo talking. But if for some reason, there are not any beings/entities could not contact/do business with me directly then I have to do the “free” option of the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model releasing. After considering carefully, I have decide the most fair location will be Singapore Malaysia. But now I do not have enough funds for that trip so I cannot give you guys any specific date (even just week/month information I could not have). You can sending me financial support if you want increase the chance/opportunity of world peace or just want to gain some hidden spiritual power or just for fun entertaining. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
I The Savior Messiah Is Offering New Currency System Model Information License: Guaranteed Work
I The Savior Messiah Is Offering New Currency System Model Information License: Guaranteed Work If you want to know how the new currency system paradigm/model should be, then I can help. If you want to know a new currency type that can defeat gold, silver, oil, gas, then all you need is give me a chance to prove it. I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha do have that big vision, wisdom, strategy of a brand new unique currency system model/paradigm. Now I am offering selling that new currency system model/paradigm that guaranteed work, if it not work then you do not need to send me money. Here are the offering information: - 1 license/permission can only create 1 new currency in the new currency system model. - Each group/secret society/organization is only allow to obtain 1 license. - The price of the license is depend on the timing and the situation when you purchase. - I the original creator and seller will direct sell the license/permission, not through any agent or middle man. I am the one who have final decision of agree to sell the information/license/permission to any group/organization. Here is the price table at the moment (as of this offer writing): The price structure will have 2 period: upfront before I reveal the information and after the purchase. For the upfront: - From now till the end of this lunar month circle on March 10th 2024: 8,888 USD/Euro (eight thousands eight hundreds and eighty-eight). - From March 11th 2024 to March 20th 2024: 88,888 USD/Euro (eighty-eight thousands eight hundreds and eighty-eight). - After March 20th 2024: 888,888 USD/Euro (eight hundreds eighty-eight thousands, eight hundreds and eighty-eight). Minimum paying upfront is 8,888 USD/Euro. The rest you can pay after receiving the “goods”. For the later when your new currency up: 10 USD/Euro for any new unique user + 50% profit/rewards you may receive from any other group/organization. Pay monthly. If the buyer from Europe then use Euro currency. If the buyer from Americas then use USD currency. If the buyer from the rest of the world then they can choose either Euro/USD. Above table price could change so you need contact me to verify/confirm before the purchase. I do accept both trading type of physical in-person and via digital platform. Payment should be done in bank transfer or via stable coin of the current digital currency such as USDT or USDC or something like that. If my currency system model/information do not work, do not benefit you then you do not need pay the money (except the working fees and the information fees of $ 8,888 USD/Euro). I do not want troll and the entities who really interested in the new currency system model/paradigm won’t have any issue/problem of spend less than $10,000 USD/Euro to read a new potential working solution. All the special agents, neutral entities are welcome to this offer as well, but please at least say is specific in advance so I can know the situation. I the real Savior Messiah Buddha have reveal my personal contact information already, so you can contact me if you interested in above offer. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Savior Messiah Is Seeking $2000 - $3000 USD To Buy Equipments For World Solution Releasing
I The Savior Messiah Is Seeking $2000 - $3000 USD To Buy Equipment For World Solution Releasing The method the way I the Savior Messiah will release the world solution the new financial system paradigm/model in free mode are pretty much set and decided. In free mode, for maximum privacy security, I will release via live streaming. But now I do not have any laptop, tablet and any smartphone with high quality camera yet. So I am seeking for about $2000 – $3000 USD to buy those equipement(s). It is step by step, so I really hope to receive support from you who want world peace and/or witness historic moment or want to gain some hidden power/support from high level beings. You can send me financial support via various ways: Cryptocurrency Account: Bitcoin BTC bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva Litecoin LTC ltc1qjng4kdxyu2e2e5vsnn9fpscrc459fphhg7k3qn ltc1q26e6nrm3at0s6ud75lgkmj0g4ypltj6fg8jjyd BitcoinCash BCH bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm bitcoincash:qrl2en5dmdzx0rnmvm7j4eh297dmvp97wvwxxnpj33 eCash XEC ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru ecash:qzq42lh5k7y9pqyexf5mtk0puqnqem95hypyqm4xxz Dogecoin DOGE DNz9qB5RvnoYSbuYQx2HZEY21B8nqiiyiQ DAMgm3aGNrHdwKiMBZ3nEwHtv3R6qQe12Q Tron TRX TAFw214XgFHaoLGvNiqpNhatTEc8MfS9zy TEhvJSCX6azRsQ5bSUh8bdYuFCL61j6gGP Digibyte DGB D9EnUKrD9bEi6wTCzy7wQa1NAoPhMNZUwH DT5gcQfSNFigyinrrqcKTtKyCvJye8oNew Dash DASH XtXu8Angb67r4YKXYFLws14CxNzBW7MiH4 XiMvuNJ2nk1vzVEV4FpAj7T7bEa9QeEosi Lumens XML GDKT3Z6T27RFJV4PJEIK66WRNCFRHWEHSXH5WVUAF5UUEAOIYYQU2LGH GA27O7VYGYA5BRPSVATNE5XTL73VRID3OLKKIPDMDTSXNIRH4YNZSZBL Qtum QTUM QgzSXe1sgi65KQrWFAgEvkfQV1iLzbHm1B QRuZnjzegToXSkLSzVL7Shia5LWBFiZ1Nh Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH Binance Smart Chain BNB 0xe06045908f736fdb3c8c8c741fd310878edb3901 0xf10bf77ee8052addb5ca121385f84949ae9978ff Ethereum ETH 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 0x47D2a24715294deEdAa98Ff502Dd521a8114400c For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately. Most likely I will do live streaming in Youtube and Twitter if have enough tools, resources. Please help me immediately to speed up the world peace process. Thank You Very Much, The Savior Messiah Buddha
All The Offer That Related To World Solution New Currency System Model Are Still Open Available
All The Offer That Related To World Solution New Currency System Model Are Still Open Available I The Savior Messiah want to remind all of you that all the current offers that related to the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model are now still open and available, they are: - Direct selling license/permission. - Read-only information. - Direct co-operate to do business with. I will only use the free option to release when in certain condition(s), now I do not have that condition(s) yet. All the price/cost and requirement(s) are flexible, please contact me directly to have the lastest specific information for each offer type. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Please Understand All I Need Now Is Some Basic Necessary Tools, Conditions To Release World Solution
Please Understand All I Need Now Is Some Basic Necessary Tools, Conditions To Release World Solution I am the most fair player in this game of life. I do confident in my knowledge, wisdom and solution. I have spent enough times to research and crafting many crazy solutions/strategies for almost all areas in life. Now my final conclusion is the only thing can stop war and make world peace now is a new currency system model/paradigm ! But I want to get it done in correct manner whether “free” or “non-free” option. I am not seeking for big money to buy car or house or any luxury items. All I am looking and seeking now is some financial support that help me to buy basic necessary tools, conditions so that I can feel comfortable to release the world solution the new financial system paradigm/model. Because after the releasing, I will become very rich because of my works, of my new unique information (if people recognize and accept my solution). Therefore, I do have any reason to seeking for big money just for “saving” account, not the way to do. But for now, I really need some help from the rest of you. Frankly I could seeking that money from people around me but that is now the correct way to do. I need to rest of this civilization to ready, to support, to connect with me in this important moment because they are the one who was and are looking for the solution. Please understand the situation and sending me all the financial support you can. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
My ISP Internet Service Provider Are Blocking My Access To Some Crypto Investing Websites
My ISP Internet Service Provider Are Blocking My Access To Some Crypto Investing Websites I was thinking of trying to make money via crypto investing to have enough funds for the world solution releasing but my current ISP Internet Service Provider are totally blocking the access to some crypto investing websites. I do not know is that the sign that I need seeking financial support from the rest of you from this civilization or should give up the plan of save humanity due to lack of tools and resources. What should I do now? I still trying to figure it out by myself. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I Trust The Special Agent(s), Neutral Entities But I Still Have To Mass Sending Articles Sometimes
I Trust The Special Agent(s), Neutral Entities But I Still Have To Mass Sending Articles Sometimes Hi, I have enough experience with the special agent(s), neutral entities to the point the very trust them by only sending my messages/words to only my personal website/blog/channel. But sometimes I still have to mass sending my articles/post(s) to some forum(s) (despite the fact I well know it could pretty much will be deleted). I want to connect, understand and trying to find the best possible way(s) and solutions out of endless potential path way for this civilization. Please do not anger and just accept like a fun job. The end is near so please support me till the end if you can ! Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Only Few Entities May Interested In My New Currency System Model That Can Easily Defeat Gold
Only Few Entities May Interested In My New Currency System Model That Can Easily Defeat Gold Most people only care how to make as much money as possible, they won’t care much about how the financial system work. There are not many people who care about the currency system at all. How many type of groups, entities who care about new currency system? I think there are only 2 groups: The first group is the neutral entities, referee group(s). The second group is top national government(s). I do not see or know any other groups/entities that may interested in the new currency system model/paradigm ! The truth is that both of those above groups do not have any issue with million(s) billion(s) or even trillion(s). But the only thing I do not understand is why they did not send me all the financial support to the point that I can fully focus on any humanity project(s). What I was asking for is just 5 to 6 digit number USD/Euro (not even close to 1 million(s) but they all refused) ! I was even opened offer of physical in-person meeting but they for some reason did not accept. Well that is the way of life I have to accept. I will have to make big decision soon but I am going to stick with my own standard and requirement. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
From Now All Money Donation Will Be Honor, Records So The Supporter Can Use It To Exchange Later
From Now All Money Donation Will Be Honor, Records So The Supporter Can Use It To Exchange Later From this present moment, all the money donation will be honor and records. You can use it later for either buying information, lesson, education courses or to purchase any license/permission of anything which I am the original creator. All you need to do is make sure sending the money donation from your own wallet/account. Now I the Savior Messiah Buddha really need your financial support so that I can have enough tools and resources to release the world solution the new currency system model in the most fair way. Cryptocurrency Account: Bitcoin BTC bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva Litecoin LTC ltc1qjng4kdxyu2e2e5vsnn9fpscrc459fphhg7k3qn ltc1q26e6nrm3at0s6ud75lgkmj0g4ypltj6fg8jjyd BitcoinCash BCH bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm bitcoincash:qrl2en5dmdzx0rnmvm7j4eh297dmvp97wvwxxnpj33 eCash XEC ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru ecash:qzq42lh5k7y9pqyexf5mtk0puqnqem95hypyqm4xxz Dogecoin DOGE DNz9qB5RvnoYSbuYQx2HZEY21B8nqiiyiQ DAMgm3aGNrHdwKiMBZ3nEwHtv3R6qQe12Q Tron TRX TAFw214XgFHaoLGvNiqpNhatTEc8MfS9zy TEhvJSCX6azRsQ5bSUh8bdYuFCL61j6gGP Digibyte DGB D9EnUKrD9bEi6wTCzy7wQa1NAoPhMNZUwH DT5gcQfSNFigyinrrqcKTtKyCvJye8oNew Dash DASH XtXu8Angb67r4YKXYFLws14CxNzBW7MiH4 XiMvuNJ2nk1vzVEV4FpAj7T7bEa9QeEosi Lumens XML GDKT3Z6T27RFJV4PJEIK66WRNCFRHWEHSXH5WVUAF5UUEAOIYYQU2LGH GA27O7VYGYA5BRPSVATNE5XTL73VRID3OLKKIPDMDTSXNIRH4YNZSZBL Qtum QTUM QgzSXe1sgi65KQrWFAgEvkfQV1iLzbHm1B QRuZnjzegToXSkLSzVL7Shia5LWBFiZ1Nh Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH Binance Smart Chain BNB 0xe06045908f736fdb3c8c8c741fd310878edb3901 0xf10bf77ee8052addb5ca121385f84949ae9978ff Ethereum ETH 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 0x47D2a24715294deEdAa98Ff502Dd521a8114400c For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately. If you need a reason to sending me financial support then it is for “fun”, it is for “world peace”, it is for potential spiritual power gain and secret support from high level beings. Thank you very much, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Savior Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free Via Live Streaming
I The Savior Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free Via Live Streaming The plan A and plan B are still available. But there could be a chance no any entities have “gut” or enough power to contact me. Or there could be some secret hidden rules that “block” them to do. So I the real Savior Messiah Buddha is trying and thinking for plan C of free releasing. I think the best possible way to do the free release is via live streaming in a popular location where people can come and witness. I still stick with 2 best possible locations in my opinion: Singapore Malaysia or Vietnam China. I do not have any experience in via live streaming and do not even know what devices I should use so it will takes couple of days for me to do research and something like that. But one thing for sure is I need some financial support to buy new smartphone, tablets, laptop for this route of live streaming. So I really hope receive some support from the rest of you from this civilization. Thank you, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Savior Forgive All The Special Agents, Neutral Entities So They Can Contact Me Now
I The Savior Forgive All The Special Agents, Neutral Entities So They Can Contact Me Now Like the title have said, I the Savior is forgiving all the special agents, neutral entities who for some reasons could not support me while they can before. I did need a personal moment without disturb to concentrate about everything, that is why I have to refused money and even blast some of you. Now I think it is time to re-connect and have serious talk. Contact, talk to me if you have some business to do with me. Thank you for your understanding, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Monday, March 4, 2024
The Savior Personal Contact Communication Information Update As Of March 2024
The Savior Personal Contact Communication Information Update As Of March 2024 I have share my personal communication information already. Just in case you do not know, I will repeat and say it again. The Savior Communication Contact Info Real name of this civilization: Mr. Bui Phone number: +84 888 022 470. Using messenger app such as Signal, Viber, Telegram, Line. Email 1: messiahjoy @ . Email 2: bodhiudumbara @ .
Telegram: or “MessiahJoy” . or .
Youtube: . Twitter: . Personal website: not have yet, could start a new one next week or so. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Savior Only Release The New Currency System Paradigm Model In Maximum Security
I The Savior Only Release The New Currency System Paradigm Model In Maximum Security Money, currency are the most important with the low level realm. I am very high evolved beings. I really want to release the world solution quick but that mysterious barrier is too much. I was even thinking of releasing is for free with just some words like “read only” or some password. But I still think low level beings entities of this current realm will probably steal and say something like “I/we did not understand the read only mean” or “robot/AI grab the information, I/we think is free”, etc. Not only that, there is only very few entities can benefit or have interested in the new currency system paradigm/model. I have spent about 7-8 years and have spent a lot of time and resources to crafting the new world currency system paradigm/model that all nations can agree on. For all of that reason combine, I the Savior will only release the new currency system model/paradigm in maximum security of both physical realm and spiritual realm. Maximum security here mean the only the condition I will approve and feel comfortable with. Some example like: - Digital file will have multi layers passwords and will use multi platforms to reveal that password(s). - When a real human contact me directly. Etc. I know my stuffs and I understand who is really interested in my knowledge wisdom information. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
From Now All The Old And New Offer Do Not Have Any Deadline
From Now All The Old And New Offer Do Not Have Any Deadline I think the time for deadline is over. Now all the old and new offer about everything from human development evolution to book to new currency system model is always open and available. But the new catch here is not “guaranteed selling” for I the seller also the creator will have final decision of whether sell the “goods/services” or not. Also whether you able to contact direct with me or not is totally up to you. Which mean now you can contact and obtain anything you desire from all of my old and new offer. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha
Sunday, March 3, 2024
Please Contact Me Directly If You Want To Obtain Information Of New Digital Currency System Model
Please Contact Me Directly If You Want To Obtain Information Of New Digital Currency System Model I have decide will only reveal the new information of new (digital) currency system paradigm/model to real human who can contact me directly. I want to avoid all the potential bad scenario(s). I willing to talk either in digital cyber internet environment or physical in-person. The first step is have “gut” to talk first. Then we will discuss about the requirement(s) or other things. I have reveal my personal contact information already. From email to blog website to messenger app to phone number. You can try any method if you feel comfortable with. Please do it as soon as possible if you serious about world peace or new currency system model paradigm. I do not have any specific deadline but should be only in this month of March 2024. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha
I The Real Messiah Willing To Visit Israel If Receiving Sponsorship From The Jews
I The Real Messiah Willing To Visit Israel If Receiving Sponsorship From The Jews In the stats of my personal free blog website, I can see some connection from Israel. I as the real Messiah willing to travel, visit to Israel immediately to reveal the world solution the new currency paradigm/model if receive enough sponsorship/support from the Jews and/or top referee group. I have revealed and shared my personal contact information already. Let me know, contact me if any of you want that become reality. Best Regard, The Messiah King
It Is Better, Safer To Offer Your Own Great Information For Small Money Rather Than Reveal For Free
The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now
The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now I think the mission is done. I do not see any reason to continue this project “As...
The Official Timeline, Guide Of Franchising License Permission My New Currency Model Idea I have revealed the core idea/vision of how the ne...
The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea How to make the Russia, Israel stop war within ...
My New Currency Model Is The Final Missing Puzzle Of The Final Global Financial System I do believe my new currency model is the final missi...