Monday, July 31, 2023

All the corrupt Royal Families, National Governments, Secret Societies, Beings, Entities who refused to support me deserve to be gone, eliminated forever now !

All the corrupt Royal Families, National Governments, Secret Societies, Beings, Entities who refused to support me deserve to be gone, eliminated forever now !

Whoever can give me support but refused are deserve to be gone, eliminated now !

It is time for all super Gods, deities come to destroy them.

All the Royal families, CIA, Mossad, MI6, USA, EU, China, etc. are all now deserved to be deleted !

No contact communication, no donation to the only player can save this society, then you guys are no needed in this civilization anymore !

The super Gods, super deities team have enough with your animal action and lifestyle !

Bye !

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Gone soon, cleaning clearing everything now !

No talk no communication no donation => No reason to try to help assist this society anymore !

Prepare for the destruction caused by super Gods deities who have much more power and more intelligence than all beings entities who are still think "controlling the mortal human affair".

There won't be any kind of mercy from them since the only player (me) who can save this society no longer have any connection left, do not have desire to play in this current stupid corrupt game !

That is not a threat or warning but rather than the truth of life, the way of life, the way of eternal Universal !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha !

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Old Zimbabwe ZWR Bank Notes Will Be The Key Of New World Currency System Transition Period

Old Zimbabwe ZWR Bank Notes Will Be The Key Of New World Currency System Transition Period 
Original Source:

There must be a big change in the world financial currency system to end the economic conflict between nations, groups.

It is very complicated issue if there is no real information or any official objective so it is crazy for an completely outsider to me to give the correct answer but I still give my final attempt here.

Basically there are still 2 type of rules in the current world financial system: the public and the private rule.

In the private rule: all the current fiat paper such as USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Rupee, Rub, etc. are still have direct link to natural resources (gold, silver, oil, gas, etc.)

In the public rule: all of the fiat money paper are still the useless paper only.

The current world conflict about currency wars are about the “international economic transactions currency”.

The best outcome and solution now it have a new official international currency for cross border transactions trading between nations.

When that happen, all the current fiat money paper will longer have the private rule that linked to natural resources, thus each national government can have full power to print endless money they want.

The only “ingredient” that exist on the current financial system which can have enough power to do that impossible task is the Zimbabwe ZWR Trillion Series Bank Notes.

It is possible to create a new official international central banks and new international currency that do not controlled or have linked to any national government.

But because that is not only about financial issue but also about human development evolution so that new international central bank will have some new currency using rules at the same time to make sure any bad beings entities are not allowed to use it.

You need to understand that all the current central banks and fiat money paper are freely to use for all kind of purpose no matter whether they are “good” or “bad”, “animal” or “human” behavior so that is a big loophole and weakness.

As I have said before I not an official referee but just a neutral player in this game of life so I really do not have any desire motivation to do the job suppose to be carried/done by the referee group.

You can have new international currency and international central bank called as “Ancient Beauty” or “Planet Earth Wealth” or “Environment Protection”, etc.

How people can “redeem” and have that new international currency?
Only via exchange old out-of-circulation bank notes such as the Zimbabwe ZWR trillions or Yugoslavia, etc.

There will be some rule, requirement for “who is allow to exchange” such as:
- Only natural individual are allowed to exchange, all illusion entity such as company, group, team are not allowed.

- Only person do not have any connection with any group/organization are allowed.

- People must end all kind of contract (if have) with all other entities before come into exchange.

- The exchange amount could be a same formula or depend on each people level of knowledge wisdom.

But there will be some currency using rules such as:
- All entities will lost all the money and never allowed to open new bank account that have new international currency if have some “animal behavior” in the society such as support entities who trying to manipulate deceive cheat over others, corruption, etc.

- Only certain banks are allowed to handle the new international currency (with some requirement).

- People, entity will be the one who hold the new international currency but not the banks like the current one so banks are not allowed to use it for whatever purpose.

- There could be a new system to handle that international currency (replace for SWIFT).


That is some basic rules to make reduce the corruption and animal behavior on this current society.

Again, I am not in my great situation but in terrible mood and not get paid so I can only give out some quick thought.

If I am the official neutral referee then I would probably think more, craft more the detail but that is not the case.

The new international central bank with international currency will not only end the currency wars between nations but also open a new chapter in the financial world and new era on Earth.

From then you can have many other international central bank too.

If you do not solve the international currency conflict, then forget about other much complicated issue !

Best Regard,
Messiah Buddha

Monday, July 24, 2023

Only New Central Bank Type Appear Can End Global Currency War 

Only New Central Bank Type Appear Can End Global Currency War
Original Source, More Info:

Look at geopolitics in general then the current biggest issue is the global currency war.
No any nations want to use USD, Euro for their international trade forever but prefer other method.
But the Yuan, Rub, Yen, Rupee, etc. are not good neither.

Each beings entities have it own vision of how the solution will be played out.
It is too stupid when you have a big entity think you must solve the internal conflict between China vs Taiwan or North Korea vs South Korea first in order to end global currency war.

I do not agree with that vision, why?

Just ask this question for me: between
- North Korea, Iran sanctioned end.
- North Korea reunify with South Korea.
Which one is easier to do, to complete?

It must be the sanction removed for North Korea, Iran.

In my vision, the only way to end the current global currency war is new central bank type appear (with new currency to give add new international currency choice for global trade).

All the current central bank have it own features and weakness.
It is pretty easy to create a new international central bank (with new currency) that play the important role in international economic trading between nation.

I am a neutral player, I am not in favor of any particular nations or groups but I am not the official referee group at the same time.
So I am not fully free and in the best condition to create, to design a new central bank type (I do not get paid to do the job too).

If you really want me to help you guys, then please make big donation to me so I can have motivation, desire and in my preferred condition to craft, to think, to share my vision about how new central bank type should be.

Overall, the only way to end the current global currency war is the appearance of new central bank type in the society. All other option and solution won’t able to end the current war chaos.

Only after the global currency war ended then you will have the “reunification” of conflict land.

Do not over think, do not believe in any stupid corrupt beings entities, just use common sense to think, to answer some basic question for yourself to know what is the objective/goal should be to end global conflict.

Best Regard,
The Messiah Buddha

Sunday, July 23, 2023

It Is Time For All Super Gods, Super Deities Come To Destroy The Corruption On Earth

It Is Time For All Super Gods, Super Deities Come To Destroy The Corruption On Earth

The corruption on this civilization are too much, from the top controllers to the bottom.
If all the royal families, authorities, government do not want world peace (if they really want, they must have contact me the only Savior directly already), then the only option left is all the super Gods, super Deities appear to destroy all the "animals in human form" or "human with animal mindset" beings entities.

The root of all corruption are always the illusion team/group/organization and some individual beings take advantage of it.
So you must destroy all !

This article is an calling but also the permission for all high level beings, gods, deities to appear and enter this world with full forces.

Best Regard,
The Messiah Buddha

Friday, July 21, 2023

QAnon Group Was Are Deceiving The Rest Of The World For Individual Gain

QAnon Group Was Are Deceiving The Rest Of The World For Individual Gain
Original Source:

The truth is that QAnon group are bunch of liars, idiots who are trying to deceiving the rest of the world for individual gain.

If you do not know the truth then you better shut your mouth to do not disrupt others.
But hell no, QAnon group do not have a clue about this entire civilization system, how to solve world problem but still try to pretend like they knew everything just to seek followers for individual gain !

If you are a smart person with normal human mindset you will understand what I am talking about.

I highly recommend world military go to shut down that channel and arrest all beings entities who behind QAnon group as soon as possible for the crime against humanity.

The world in chaos all because of entities like Qanon group who only try to seek followers even by lying, deceiving others.

Do any beings, entities who behind QAnon group have gut to go gambling about "idea, solution, vision" for world peace solution with me?
If you have gut then come out and do head to head battle with me the real Savior Messiah Buddha !

Of course they won't and they never because they have no clue !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Technology Team & Some Entities Was, Are Preventing The Messiah To Save The World

The Technology Team & Some Entities Was, Are Preventing The Messiah To Save The World
Original Source, More Info:

Now I have some time off to rethink, analyze about last couple of years.
I can confident to say the scum technology team and some entities was and are trying to prevent me The Savior Messiah Buddha to save the world.

They did everything to lie, to deceive, to take advantage of me.

Where are the technology team from?
Mostly from the US, Europe in general since I only using English.

Overall, I can say they do not want world peace, they do not want fair life.
They only want personal gain and personal power but nothing else, they do not care about people life at all but just pretend to deceive others !

I want all of them to gone, die, vanish as soon as possible !
I do not want to see any of them in my world anymore.

That is the order and command !

Because if not because of them you do not have any kind of war last couple of years but a new era on Earth already !

Do no believe my words ? Just check and investigate everything for yourself, I have all the proof if you needed !

Best Regard,
Messiah Buddha

Lũ Công Nghệ Và 1 Số Cá Nhân Tổ Chức Đang Ngăn Hoà Bình Thế Giới

Ta đã có 1 khoảng lặng để ngẫm, phân tích những gì đã diễn ra.
Ta có thể khẳng định rằng tụi công nghệ và 1 số cá nhân tổ chức băng nhóm đã và đang làm tất cả để ngăn chăn ta giải cứu thế giới này.

Chúng làm tất cả những điều dù là nói dối, lừa lọc, lợi dụng ta.

Chúng từ đâu?
Hầu hết là từ Mỹ và Châu Âu vì ta chỉ nói dùng tiếng Anh mà.

Nhìn chung thì bọn chúng không muốn hoà bình, họ không muốn công bằng xã hội.
Họ chỉ muốn lợi ích cá nhân là trên hết, họ không quan tâm tới người khác, bọn chúng chỉ giả vờ để lừa người khác mà thôi.

Tao không muốn lũ chó má đó nữa, tao muốn chúng phải chết, biến mất càng sớm càng tốt !
Tao không muốn chúng tồn tại ở thế giới của tao nữa.

Bởi vì nếu không bị chúng ngấm ngầm tấn công, lợi dung thì thế giới đã không xảy ra chiến tranh mà đã bước vào thời kỳ mới tốt đẹp hấp dẫn hơn rồi.

Nếu không tin lời ta nói ở trên thì hãy tự kiểm tra lấy đi. Ta có đầy đủ bằng chứng rõ ràng !

Đó là mệnh lệnh và chỉ đạo !

Phật Di Lạc - Cứu Thế Chủ

USD US Dollar, USA United States Are Deserved To Be Gone Forever !

USD US Dollar, USA United States Are Deserved To Be Gone Forever !
Original Source:

It is time for world change.
I the living Buddha, the Savior Messiah have given the United States USA too many chance and opportunity to save themselves via support me but did not receive one.
So from now, I no longer support the USA United States.

For the world situation overall, it is much better for the US Dollar USD lost their international currency status and the United States better disband, vanish !

It is very easy to destroy the USD and the USA.

There are at least 2 ways to destroy the USD completely (which I have not revealed).
There are many other ways to destroy the USD United States.

I am writing this post just to announce that I no longer support the USA due to do not receive any donation support from them.

I am writing this post because I am want to give the green light for other nations to do whatever it takes for world peace (including using nuclear weapon and natural asset to defeat the USD, USA completely).

Best Regard,
Messiah Buddha 

Đồng Đô La Mỹ, Hoa Kỳ Xứng Đáng Bị Tiêu Diệt Vĩnh Viễn
Đã đến lúc thế giới cần 1 cuộc đại cách mạng rồi.
Ta là vị Phật trong truyền thuyết.
Ta đã cho đất nước Hoa Kỳ quá nhiều cơ hội rồi nhưng họ đều từ chối.
Vì thế từ nay, ta không bao giờ hỗ trợ ủng hộ Hoa Kỳ nữa.

Về tình hình địa chính trị toàn cầu, sẽ là điều tốt nếu đồng Đô La Mỹ biến mất trong các giao dịch thương mại quốc tế và nước Mỹ biến mất bằng cách nào đó.

Thực ra rất dễ dàng để đánh bại đồng USD và Hoa Kỳ.

Có ít nhất 2 cách để đánh bại đồng USD toàn bộ (ta chưa bao giờ chia sẻ).
Còn về tiêu diệt đất nước Mỹ thì có rất nhiều cách.

Ta viết bài này chủ yếu để "bật đèn xanh" cho tất cả các quốc gia còn lại được phép dùng tất cả các công cụ để cho xã hội này trở nên tốt đẹp hơn (kể cả là dùng vũ khí hạt nhân, công năng đặc dị, nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên để tiêu diệt đồng USD và Hoa Kỳ).

Vị Phật Tương Lai Trong Truyền Thuyết

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Final Departure Of Living Buddha The Savior Messiah – Lời Tạm Biệt Của Phật

The Final Departure Of Living Buddha The Savior Messiah – Lời Tạm Biệt Của Phật
Original Source:

The corruption of this society are through the roof.
I as the real Savior Messiah, the living Buddha was tried to connect to help assist this entire civilization but the result is none of you want to support assist me but only want to continue live like animals to control enslave others.

That is go against the divine order and the eternal way of life.

My patience is gone, my desire motivation no longer exist.
And I do not have any money left to connect with the rest of this society.

I have given all of you too much opportunity from face to face in-person meeting to digital cyber platform only, free and non-free (donation) option to receive the world cure solution but without any success.

Now I have make my final official decision of go away, disconnect with this entire civilization.

The project is going to shutdown, off immediately from now.
No any other project or website from me for the future as well.

For the next 24 hours, I will receive the last donation or communication, talk, request if have.
Beyond that deadline, please do not make any donation or contact to me at both physical or digital because I am going to accept any call or any request further.

It is time for super gods, super deities come and destroy all the corrupt beings, entities in this civilization.
If normal talk cannot worked then only force is the only way left.

All the corrupt beings, entities who was, are trying to attack me will also receive the dead punishment by divine force, no matter who you are.

This world, this civilization will turn to hell because of mega destruction soon after the official final departure of me.

Xã hội thời mạt pháp thật quá thối tha.

Ta là vị Phật tương lai, vị Phật sống trong truyền thuyết.

Ta đã cố gắng kết nối, giúp đỡ tất cả người dân và tất cả các quốc gia một cách công bằng nhất nhưng kết quả là chẳng ai thèm quan tâm, không ai thèm kết nối. Mọi người chỉ muốn tiếp tục sống như động vật, tầng lớp thống trị chỉ muốn kiểm soát người khác như nô lệ.

Đó là cách sai lầm và đi ngược lại nguyên lý luật lệ của Trời Đất.

Sự kiên nhẫn của ta đã không còn nữa, động lực cũng không.

Và cũng không còn tiền bạc để kết nối với xã hội này nữa.

Ta đã cho các người rất nhiều cơ hội rồi, kể cả là gặp mặt trực tiếp hay qua không gian mạng, cả lựa chọn miễn phí và trả phí để nhận giải pháp giải quyết xung đột sắc tộc, quốc gia nhưng đều không có ai quan tâm hết.

Vì vậy ta đã quyết định không kết nối với bất kỳ ai, bất kỳ tổ chức trong xã hội này nữa, toàn bộ xã hội này luôn.

Dự án sẽ kết thúc và chấm dứt ngay tại thời điểm bây giờ.

Sẽ không có thêm bất kỳ dự án hay website nào khác từ ta trong tương lai.

Trong vòng 24 giờ tiếp theo, nếu các bạn muốn ủng hộ hay có câu hỏi, yêu cầu gì với ta thì làm luôn đi, sẽ không còn cơ hội nào nữa đâu.

Sau thời gian trên thì đừng làm phiền ta nữa, ta sẽ không chấp nhận bất cứ câu hỏi hay yêu cầu gì nữa đâu.

Đã đến lúc các vị cao thủ, Thần Thánh ra tay dẹp loạn và xử lý tất các những cá nhân, tổ chức đang chống lại loài người và xã hội này rồi.

Nếu không muốn giải quyết êm đẹp qua đối thoại hoà bình thì sự lựa chọn duy nhất là dũng vũ lực thôi.

Tất cả những cá nhân tổ chức đã và đang tấn công, ngăn chặn kết nối của ta với xã hội này sẽ phải bị tiêu diệt, bất kể là ai !

Thời gian tới, xã hội này sẽ gặp đại hoạ và chiến tranh sẽ nổ ra chính thức sau khi ta người duy nhất có thể cứu xã hội này không còn muốn làm gì nữa.

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Bảo trọng,

Vị Phật Tương Lai, Cứu Thế Chủ

Updated: Since my moral are too high so it is fair for all party, all beings, all entities to have fair amount of time to make decision, thus I will give more extra time (to a full month or 30 days after my real identification revealed).

Then I will fully disconnect with the rest of this society to let super Gods Deities come to destroy all of you !

Too many opportunity already.

Instead of open ear to listen, open mind to receive new vision new idea, all of you still only want live like animals.

By the way: the domain will be expired soon and I do not have money or desired to extend it so it no longer belongs to me after I fully disconnect/disappear after next several days.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Make A Donation If You Want To Have A Hint Of How The Current World Conflicts End

Make A Donation If You Want To Have A Hint Of How The Current World Conflicts End
Original Source, More Information:

It is the end time, and the chance for me to receive ten of thousand USD or Euro are very low.

So I have decide to share privately a hint of the future, a hint of how the current on going world conflicts will end.

In order to receive that hint, all you need to do it make a fair amount of donation to me as soon as possible when I still online.

I do not have any fixed amount so just donate any number you either could or you think it is deserve. Then I will see whether will reveal the secret with you or not (if not then I will make the refund).

Of course I have never shared that hint/information to anybody including both public and private.

My communication contact can be found at:

The donation method I accept via cryptocurrency or international money transfer (such as Western Union, Money Gram, etc.):
Bitcoin BTC:

– bc1qn3hqhwsnr69q9mxxakrspfdyyyww3vvdxs7m5c .

– bc1qxhnn6zh8jdq4cs5nuzxh6ut45mqhqfmn5xewva .

Ethereum ETH:

– 0x98D9eB47F22c506B132386E89cb4C8e459020740 .

– 0x726b5cc49E66B4F8E9f74e1C9d6Bdfe4CCc884D6 .

Litecoin LTC:

– ltc1q7y3weduw6rnp2gfef40ke3mlmk3dyjssm40l4j .

– ltc1qy8uj6h4n368ump299eveazwlshfk5l72d64qqy .

BitcoinCash BCH:

– bitcoincash:qp2fxumzkdmhpxcdceyj90mqlzddz82dfszl5wepmm .

– bitcoincash:qqjdzs07w44jggcdxdd9ttm6spzqfkf8d5pky3m7dd .

eCash XEC:

– ecash:qzhcky7y0ty0cvv87f9kq22ewh39xvnxnu0qjfpzru .

– ecash:qrmwga2g0d465zs53952wtav6pzktj95jcr96lsvxe .

For money transfer service such as Western Union, Money Gram, etc. Please contact me private to receive the info.

Just a tiny hint, a bit of information from me will increase your power.
You can treat it like a “demo” if you like.

Be quick before too late.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Thursday, July 13, 2023

How To Become God, Active Super Ability Power, Become Immortal Guide Could Appear Soon

How To Become God, Active Super Ability Power, Become Immortal Guide Could Appear Soon
More Information, Original Source:

There are only 2 things that matter: it is either macro strategy to this entire world or individual person beings benefits.

I am keeping this for the very last moment.
The divine document which I will reveal if my releasing conditions met will have both of those things.

The first half will about macro strategy for new world system with brand new vision, new model, new ideas.

While the second half will about micro wisdom that related to personal evolution.

The only things left that can really save this world from the top are personal individual power.

I will reveal and give you the full guide tutorial of:
– How to become God.
– How to active super power, super abilities.
– How to become immortal beings in the eternal world (not only physical but also about spiritual realm).
– How you should act, do, live.
– The forbidden history of “Gods realms” and the downfall reason.
– A lot of other things that never been shared before either via me or via any other beings entities.

But it will depend on the situation overall of me and myself.
Depend on the outcome and what the rest of this society support me then I will decide which information and how much I will share/reveal with you.

One thing for sure is that I DO have all the information to satisfy all top secret controllers now matter whether they are Gods super beings or just normal mortal human beings, whether macro or micro, I have it all.

This is the best hint I can give you guys.

There is a reason why I only reveal my identity in this last final moment along with the divine document. Because I am 200% sure and have full confident in myself with my not yet shared information.

Now it is up to all of you.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

All Video Games Should Add This New “Happy Ending” Feature Mode For Better Society

All Video Games Should Add This New “Happy Ending” Feature Mode For Better Society
Original Source:

This ideas, strategy belongs to me the Savior Messiah Buddha because I am the one who crafted this. If any beings, group, company, entity want to use it please seek my permission directly.

Video games are not great in general for most of the people, a lot of people addict many video games and that is very bad for the society in general except the game developer/company.

In some nation, the national government have rules of how many hours a player can play per day. But that is the “forced” absolute orders and I do not like it at all.

There is an new alternative is my new “Happy Ending” feature mode.
I have this idea long time ago already but not share yet.

The working mechanism overall of my “Happy Ending” feature/mode are:
– Player will allow choose the “Happy Ending” mode at free will.
– Player will unable to continue play any more match after his/her last win after the selection.
– Player account will be locked for certain time (depend on the selection).
Could be 12 hours or 24 hours or 48 hours or 7 days or 30 days, etc.

There could be 2 options mode here:
– All players who select this “Happy Ending” feature/mode will be in a same room/match. No ranking match in general.
– Apply only to each individual player only. All the ranking match still apply.

By having this type of feature/mode, there are a lot of benefits:
– Player(s) can be “happy” before the break or the sleep.
– Give people a specific objective, encourage people spend less time on video games.
– Secret remind people that “what matter most is the final win, not the endless losses before”.
– Help the society become much more better.

That is my great idea to help the society but I do not think video games company will like it for all they are is the money profit.

But all national governments can “force”, can make law to add this new “Happy Ending” feature/mode to all online game very easy no matter whether they are from the East or West since it is volunteer for players.

Well, how much my “Happy Ending” video game feature mode should be worth?
How much money I deserve to received for this great vision?
I do not know.

But if you guys want to use this idea, please contact me directly to seek the special permission.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

If Do Not Receive Support Next 120 Hours , My Conditions To Save This World Will Raise

If Do Not Receive Support Next 120 Hours , My Conditions To Save This World Will Raise
More Information, Original Source:

I still have too many mercy with all of you that is why my releasing condition of the divine sacred documents that will end the on going world conflicts, open new era on Earth are way too low.

I do not have much time and patience left.
So for the 120 hours from now, if I do not receive enough support so I can have the conditions requirement to release that divine sacred document for this civilization then I will raise the bar to much higher.

And here will be the new conditions after the next 120 hours (if I do not receive enough support):
– All beings entities who was attacked me directly and indirectly must forever gone, vanished.

– All the beings entities who was support the fake pandemic must forever gone and vanished.

– All beings entities who can support assist me financially must forever gone, vanished.

– My mood, my feelings must be truly good (here could be anything from upfront money to personal situation, etc.)

So basically the conditions will be off the chart and will pretty much require all world military rally gather support behind me in that conditions.

I am not joke but very serious about my words.

Now I still keep my anger inside my body but will release if my conditions do not met.

Because there many beings entities who are talk good and want to “solve” the world conflicts but only maybe via lying words but not through actions.

The super gods super entities are all gather behind me already and only waiting for my final decision.

If you was a bad corrupt entity then you still have a chance to save yourself within the next 120 hours.

My current requirement are way too low.

So from revealing my true identification in this world to give an easy offer, opportunity to all entities in an equal fair way. There is nothing more I can do to help this civilization anymore.

Feel free to send share this message to all your friends, group, team, entities.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

How To Spot Bad Corrupt Beings Team Entity In This Society

How To Spot Bad Corrupt Beings Team Entity In This Society
Original Source:

There are a lot of bad stupid beings team entity who are try to deceive, take advantage of others in the current society.
Only they know what is the real objective/goal behind, it could be either for financial or spiritual gain.

You should avoid and stay away from all those corrupt beings group entities at all cost (if you do not have power to destroy them, otherwise just destroy all of them like animal).

Here are some of the signal you should remember and know:
– They fear to compete, do not want to do any cost but only prefer lie deceive others via words talk only.
– They only talk say about love, mediate and often using words message from celebrity famous beings in history.
– They will try to tell how familiar you with your group/team.
– They will tell how great they are, basically all kind words message to deceive you.
– They have animal mindset, only good at “memory” but do not have creative ability.
– They cannot give out new creative working solution for the world problem or any macro problem.
– The will try everything to recruit them into their team.

If you really a good player in this game of life then I highly recommend you stay away from all beings, groups who cannot give out any idea, any strategy of how the world chaos will end and/or how to evolve as individual personal player.

The sad things in this society and number one reason why the world are still in chaos is because there are too many bad corrupt beings group entities who are try to deceive, take advantage of others and live with animal mindset.

The world will become much better place if those stupid corrupt entities gone but sadly people do not aware of that.

Feel free to share this message to all your friends, groups and make donation to me if you think above information are great !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Urgent Red Alert Message: All Calling, Full Protection In Malaysia From 05/05/2024

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