Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now

The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now I think the mission is done. I do not see any reason to continue this project “Ascension Joy” anymore so from now the project “Ascension Joy” website and related is permanently close. I have shared my communication info with other personal channel already so if any of you want to contact me or want other information then you can check those information. I need to close this project so I can focus on other project(s) and other things. Thank you all of you who have supported me this project. Thank You Very Much, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Ascension Joy

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

I The Real Savior Have Revealed All The Best Possible Solutions To Help This Society Civilization

I The Real Savior Have Revealed All The Best Possible Solutions To Help This Society Civilization So despite of against my will power and in uncomfortable situation, I the real Savior Messiah Buddha still revealed the best possible solutions to help this society civilization for 2 most important subjects: the financial system and the human development evolution. I think that is more than enough to “prove” and “verify” my real identification as the real Messiah Buddha of this timeline in this civilization. I just do not think you can have/find any better strategy/solution to end current world conflicts than mine. But how many people will believe in my new vision and give it a real test in this society/civilization, I do not know. The only thing I know is that without using that new unique solutions, this civilization is going to hell and will have nuclear war 2000% for sure for my strategy is based on a very high level that above mortal human level. Now all I need and can do is waiting for my vision/solution/strategy appear on the real life. If any of you want to obtain license/permission to use my unique solution/strategy then please contact me as soon as possible when I still online and have desire motivation to franchise those information. I do not know when I will go offline and disconnect with you but it will be very soon because my hidden duty, my job is done ! Thank You Very Much, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha Whatever Name

My New Strategy Solution For Human Development At Mass Scale Is Greatly Help Climate Change Issue

My New Strategy Solution For Human Development At Mass Scale Is Greatly Help Climate Change Issue If you want a solution for climate change issue then my new strategy solution for human development at mass scale is the one you must try ! It is not really “new” to some people at small scale secret level but it definitely “new” at mass scale level to the sleepy public. Now it is just the question whether any beings/entities willing to buy my new unique idea/solution/strategy or not or all the so call “environment lovers” are just bunch of liars, the result will speak for itself very soon in next couple of days ! Frankly, I was hold that great strategy for more than 1 year already (at least, maybe 2 years I could remember for it was too far) but due to various reasons especially lack of desire motivation and attacking from creepy low level entities in my current living nation so I could not release it. Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Read Watch See Only: The Strategy For Human Development Evolution At Mass Scale Level

Read Watch See Only: The Strategy For Human Development Evolution At Mass Scale Level

The password file is a secret. You can to do it depend on your talent and ability.

To be honest, I was holding above strategy solution for the human development evolution at mass scale level for more than 1 year at least (do not remember exactly when I had that strategy but a very long time ago, because of 2 reasons: lack of support from the rest of this society and got attacked by some stupid beings/entities).

If any beings/entities want to obtain a license/permission to use the special strategy solution above then feel free to contact me as soon as possible.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Friday, May 3, 2024

Urgent Red Alert Message: All Calling, Full Protection In Malaysia From 05/05/2024

Urgent Red Alert Message: All Calling, Full Protection In Malaysia From 05/05/2024 Decision has been made. I will travel to Malaysia very soon and will release the divine solution for human development evolution at the mass scale level next week (from May 5th 2024 to May 10th 2024). I hope all the royal families, world military can send their delegation/member to witness the historic moment. It will be live streaming on the same day I reveal the information on hand written paper (just like the way I release the stone currency in Singapore few weeks ago). Of course, the information will be read/watch only for it will takes time to think and analyze how to process/release/make it appear on the public society in this civilization. But I will reveal the core vision and strategy. See you soon in Malaysia, Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha

Thursday, May 2, 2024

I Am Going To Give A Final Try With My New Solution For Mass Scale Human Evolution Strategy

I Am Going To Give A Final Try With My New Solution For Mass Scale Human Evolution Strategy If my stone currency is not able to end the current world chaos conflict then I still have a new unique solution/strategy that I was holding for a very long time (at least several month to a year), and that is about mass scale human development evolution strategy. But problem is since it is “free knowledge” thus I won’t able to “generate” money/wealth directly like the stone currency vision so it is quite difficult for me to decide whether or not should I give it a try. f receiving money from that new human evolution idea then it probably come from “volunteer donation” because you cannot “sell” the easy technique for it is too easy for people to “copy”. I will give a final try and will release that new unique solution for the mass scale human development evolution in the first half of this month of May 2024, the specific time I not yet decide for various reasons especially lack the support from the rest of this society civilization. Without giving a try, you cannot know whether or not it will works or not. But to me, the the point of a high level beings, that new unique strategy is the ONLY way that can save this society/civilization out of nuclear war (beside my stone currency which already revealed). Maybe, the world solution is a combo of both my solution for the financial system and human development evolution. That is my final gambling for sure so I can go out without any regret ! Will see soon ! Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The platform will be closed permanently from May 1st 2024

The platform will be closed permanently from May 1st 2024

Begin and end are the natural flow of life.

I the Savior have revealed the best possible world solution to end the current global conflict around financial issue. But whether have any entity want to give it a real try or not, I am not sure.

I do not see any reason for me to continue using this platform anymore at the current pace.
Therefore, I will permanently close and no longer using that platform from May 1st 2024.

I have shared with you my real phone number and some other communication channel already so if you really want to get in touch with me, you can contact me via those platforms.

It is better to have a real product rather than solo self talk in this civilization/society of mortal human affair, that is my personal experience.

Thank you everybody who have read and support me during since the begin of this

Thank you,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

No longer using Twitter(X) and Telegram

No longer using Twitter(X) and Telegram

I think the time for me to say goodbye or at least less active is now.
From now, I no longer using Twitter(X) and Telegram platform due to do not receive any connection in those platforms.

So it is better for me to close and delete these software/app.

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Why So Many BOTS visit this blog ?!

Why So Many BOTS visit this blog ?!

See a lot of traffic and it seems they are all BOT, not real human.
Maybe it is the time for me to quit and close this blog permanently.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

The Only Way For The West To Survive Is Invest In My New Stone Currency Vision Before Too Late

The Only Way For The West To Survive Is Invest In My New Stone Currency Vision Before Too Late

The “West” group here I mean the team that either lack or have little natural resources compare to the “East”.

Currency is the backbone of everything in this mortal human civilization.

Whoever control the currency system is the one who will likely control the society, the affair of mortal humans.

In the battle between physical assets vs intelligence, you must have at least one out of two in order to at least be independent and have your own freedom.

The “West” cannot win the battle against the “East” with the current pace and current situation.

In order to have a same “level playing field”, they must have a real new weapon that really have big impact in the society.

The new vision for the digital stone currency is the biggest opportunity for the West to at least do not lose against the East in the battle of “currency system” and have real freedom of self controlling monetary system at the root.

Despite the fact that I have revealed my idea of how a new additional currency model should be, I still shared in for a very small groups (mostly the West), I have not yet shared directly to the East (at least not yet reveal the password).

But I do not think I can wait longer than the month of April 2024.

From next month of May 2024, there won’t be any advantage for the West since the information of my new stone currency will be public and available in read-only mode for all beings/entities from all sides.

Therefore, a fair franchising/selling license will be occured.

Who already read my new stone currency idea vision should know that will be the new world leading currency of the future where all people are have equal chance to “insert” money/currency into the system.

I hope the West team can wake up and obtaining license and invest in my stone currency idea as soon as possible in this month of April 2024.

I prefer a balance life but that is the best I can offer and the best opportunity I can share with the West and with this civilization.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

I Will Only Directly Handle, Do The New Global Currency Project In Some Certain Nations

 I Will Only Directly Handle, Do The New Global Currency Project In Some Certain Nations

There is a tiny chance I will personally directly handle and do the new global currency project unless receive enough financial support.

I already have in mind some great nations I will to move to and start that great humanity project, they are:

  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.
  • Singapore.
  • United States.

The reasons are very simple: they are migration nation group and it will be easier for me to obtain the citizenship passport in more natural way.

Some other nations:

  • United Kingdom.
  • Germany.

Any other nations?

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Support Me Quick If You Do Not Want To Lose The Best Player In This Civilization

Support Me Quick If You Do Not Want To Lose The Best Player In This Civilization I could disappear and disconnect with this civilization any moment from now due to sad mood, terrible personal situation. I think I have finished what I should do for this society. I do not think you can find better solution than my stone currency vision that able to end current world conflicts ! If that not enough to prove my talent and ability then there is no business left for me in this civilization. You guys gals can continue hold your endless illusion wealth of gold, gemstones that made by natural till dead ! Instead of investing in the best player, they was and are putting their hope into the hands of those low level shamans, fortune tellers and other low level beings/entities. I have spent enough time and efforts to try to help you from this society civilization already. I do not find any reason, desire motivation to continue to do it anymore. Thank You, The Savior Messiah Buddha

The Potential Of My Stone Currency Idea Are Enormous

The Potential Of My Stone Currency Idea Are Enormous

My 3 factors stone currency idea vision have enormous potential.

You can use that to promote environment protection by giving free “stones” to the natural lovers.

You can use that to force people to do more physical exercise in a natural way of “mining” game.

You can use that to give people happiness by giveaway the “illusion wealth” without the need of crashing the economy system.

You can use that to replace the national fiat currency for international trading, thus make the system more fair.

The list are endless !

But how many of you can see that potential and obtain a license/permission from me is another question.

Vision Bodhi

No Inherit, It Is Either Me Handle The Franchising Process Directly Or None

 No Inherit, It Is Either Me Handle The Franchising Process Directly Or None

The franchising process of the new stone currency vision/idea will be handled by me the original creator directly 100%.
No inherit to any beings/entities !

I have also revealed my real identification on my blog website already so you guys can aware of and fully know it.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Monday, April 22, 2024

Specific Requirements For Any Entity Who Wish To Obtain A License Of My New Currency Idea

Specific Requirements For Any Entity Who Wish To Obtain A License Of My New Currency Idea

I fully know my new global currency idea/vision have a lot of potential that can easily beat all the current cryptocurrencies and national fiat money and become the new world leading currency(s).

In order to make it easy for any entity who wish to obtain a license of my new international (digital) currency idea/vision, now I will reveal the specific requirements like below:
The overall philosophy and rule is: the more successful of your project the more you need to pay me (the original creator), no success no paying except the initial upfront fees.

This overall structure is also apply on all rounds.

There will be 2 phase of paying:
Phase 1. Initial upfront fees & invitation: upon the agreement between the buyer and me.
Overall it will pretty cheap and easy unless you are the entity have attacked me or I do not like your group for whatever reason.

Phase 2. When your currency project success.
It is tough to define a “success” but here are the milestones:
- Have at least 10 millions (10,000,000) unique users.
- Have the market cap/valuable of the currency project of at least 1 billion USD/Euro.
- Become a new popular international currency similar with the current USD/Euro at the present moment.

I think those metrics are pretty fair for any currency project.
Depend on the agreement but overall the specific milestones/target will be:
+ 10 million users to 100 million users.
+ 100 million to 1 billion users.
+ Over 1 billion users.

+ Market cap of 1 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 10 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 100 billion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 1 trillion USD/Euro.
+ Market cap of 10+ trillion USD/Euro.

+ Have the international trading market share of 5%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 10%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 15%.
+ Have the international trading market share of 20%.

Now I not yet know how much I should charge each above specific milestones but you will find out due to the negotiating if you are the potential buyer.

And I do not think that will be the major factors for it is all about “success” or not.
But I still need to tell it clearly from now.

Please understand that you MUST obtain the license in legal way for there are very high level beings/entities and top referee group who are watching from above and they hate all the cheaters, liars, deceivers.

I want to prevent chaos that is why obtaining a license is a compulsory.
You can receive it for free after certain years when the market is crowd.
So I hope you respect the “original creator” in all cases.

Those who obtain license legally from me will receive my hand written words on physical paper (if they want).

Feel free to contact me as soon as possible.

Thank You Very Much,
Vision Bodhi

List Blacklisted & Whitelisted Nations That Allow Using My New Stone Currency Model

List Blacklisted & Whitelisted Nations That Allow Using My New Stone Currency Model

As I have said before, there will be also license for nation using of my new stone currency model/paradigm.

And frankly, I do not want to do that but some nations are too corrupt and did not just only really slow me down the process but also attack me both directly and indirectly.

By default, all nations are required a special license if they want to use my stone currency for international transaction cross border like the USD, Euro, etc. at the moment. That is a long term future, but I still want to tell publicly from now. And I will manually handle this process by myself.

For just testing, demo using for my new stone currency model/version:
The blacklisted nations: Vietnam, China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, North Korea.

The whitelisted nations: the remaining.

The identity of 2 entities and their group that was and are attacking me in Vietnam which I have revealed in 8kun platform few to several months ago already, you can contact those administrators to have that.

The blacklisted nations will be removed only after I personally clear all those beings/entities.

Even now after revealing the new global solution already, I still do not feel well and do not really want to do anything anymore for this civilization, I personally feel extremely sad and disappointed.

I hope the top referee and neutral entities shared this article to all those blacklisted nations to let them know the reasons from the King of Kings.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Sunday, April 21, 2024

I The Savior Is Looking For Financial Support To Do The New Global Currency Project

I The Savior Is Looking For Financial Support To Do The New Global Currency Project

I the Savior Messiah Buddha have revealed the new international currency model version which in my opinion is going to take over the current global financial system once is published and be known, be appeared in the mainstream media (even just in the introduction article, does not need any kind of marketing).

I prefer to franchising, selling license rather than directly do any particular currency project based on that idea, vision for various reason especially related to financial issue matters and desire motivation.

But there is a chance no any beings/entity have enough spiritual power and talent that able to carry that great currency project.

For that reason I am looking for the connection (financial support) from the rest of you in this society civilization.

The amount of money I am looking is from 5 to 10 millions USD.

The deadline for this calling is April 28th 2024.

Cryptocurrency Account:

Bitcoin BTC



Litecoin LTC



BitcoinCash BCH



eCash XEC



Dogecoin DOGE



Tron TRX



Digibyte DGB






Lumens XML






Accept USDT, USDC and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH

Binance Smart Chain BNB



Ethereum ETH



For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

I prefer to receive money via bank wire transfer rather than cryptocurrency.

I know this is a crazy calling article but I still share this post for everything is possible and there is chance for all the scenarios.

Thank you,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

3 Phases Of The Franchising My Digital Stone Currency Idea

 3 Phases Of The Franchising My Digital Stone Currency Idea

As the original author/creator of the new digital stone currency idea, I want to giving the license to the interested parties/entities in the most fair way.
Therefore, there will be 3 phases of the franchising process:

Phase 1: for the entities from each big group type in this civilization with requirement/condition.

Phase 2: open, an all out competition(s) for all groups who desire to create a new one.

Phase 3: free for all to create, to use.

There will be 12 to 36 months break between phase 1 completion to/and phase 2, a similar time period between phase 2 completion with phase 3.

The length of phase 1 will depend on “buyer”, while the length of phase 2 will up on me the original creator.

1 nation is allowed to become the host/headquarter of 1 new stone currency to ensure the fairness.

In phase 1, only 1 entities are allowed to represent one big group type in this society:
Slot 1 & 2: Man & Woman.

- Religion:
Slot 3: No religious.
Slot 4: Islam.
Slot 5: Hindu.
Slot 6: Christianity.
Slot 7: Jewish.
Slot 8: Buddhism.

Slot 9: Atheism.
Slot 10: the religious group remaining.

- Race:
Slot 11: Yellow skin.
Slot 12: White skin.
Slot 13: Black skin.
Slot 14: Brown skin.
Slot 15: Red skin.
Slot 16: the remaining.

- Geography:
Slot 17: East Asia.
Slot 18: West Asia.
Slot 19: Europe.
Slot 20: Middle East.
Slot 21: Africa.
Slot 22: North America.
Slot 23: South America.
Slot 24: Ocean Pacific & the remaining.

Please understand these condition apply to the leader/project manager, not allowed to transfer to any other people/group type to ensure the fairness.

All are feel to make their own bid.
Each slot will be filled after the license is given out to desired entity.

If more than 1 entity from a single group type apply at the same time (within 7 days and before I make the decision) then there could be a small competition.

The currency name must come from list of gems and metal in natural Earth environment and it must be unique.
All the names are available except: “gems”, “metals”, “gold”.

First come first serve basic.
Who first will able to choose the available name. There could be a small competition if more than 1 group come at the same time.

How about phase 2 information?
I do not have yet now. But you will know after phase 1 come close to an end.

That is my current personal thinking.

I do not want to personal create any specific stone currency for it won’t be fair for the rest and it will require maintenance and resources in the future in long run which I do not like since I want to spend time to do other things.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Order & Priority Of My New Stone Currency Vision For The Public Appear

The Order & Priority Of My New Stone Currency Vision For The Public Appear

It is always much easier to do things in private and for a small group of people rather than the big mass public (and low level) people.

I have reveal the “stone” digital currency vision/idea and I strongly believe that is the only way/direction to go for this civilization.

After thinking very carefully, I think here is the list of order & priority for the public appear:
Option 1: Private selling, other entities will publish the digital “stone” currency with real finished product to the public.

Option 2: Public selling, the “white paper” of core information will be appear then all beings/entities are free to make the bid to receive the license permission, free to compete against each others.

Option 3: I will personally do the “stone” currency project by myself (if receive enough resources, support from others and/or no any entity choose option 2). Then maybe franchising later for those who interested in.

Now I am in the option 1 period and the deadline is the end of this month of April 2024.

If option 1 is fail then option 2 will start from May 2024.

Of course, I want option 1 the most since I will have more free time to do other more difficult and interesting things.
But who know the final outcome.
I will choose and make decision based on my personal feeling and thinking.

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

Friday, April 19, 2024

All the military and special agents, leaders need to work quick, too slow !

Too slow !

everything need to be done quick.

Just look how I did release the world solution in Singapore. I only need 24 hours (after have enough money) to decide to book the air plane ticket and go then release in 24 hours after.
Imagine I had all the money I need 4-5 years ago, then you would not have world chaos like the present moment.
But unfortunately, there are too much animals in human form from this corrupt civilization !

And I was still in uncomfortable zone yet !

The rest of this society work too slow for whatever reason.

Maybe they do not have motivation nor desire !

Quick and fast !
It is just some small decision of decide whether to make an app like "video game" or not, but they still spend endless time to think !

The Savior

Thursday, April 18, 2024

How A Great New Global Financial System Structure Should Be

How A Great New Global Financial System Structure Should Be

Frankly, I do not care much about financial system because at the end of the day, it is all about jobs, businesses and human development evolution.

But talking about those things won’t end the current world conflict for the mind of those top secret leaders is all about money, financial, currency.

I have revealed my new and also final solution for a new international (digital) currency version/model.

The great new global financial system structure should be something like this:
International financial system:
1. Digital currency where all people are easily to “mine”, to “create”, to “obtain.
(The version I have reveal not long ago).

2. Currency backed by gold, silver, copper, etc.
(Very popular idea which many already know).

Domestic financial system: up to each location national government.

I think they are the best possible structure for this world because you have 2 teams (one with big natural resources and one with little but with technology) from the East and the West.

So by having a dual currency version, both team will be happy.

And frankly, I do not know which one will come out on top because each currency model have it own weakness and strength.

At the end of the day, it is still about jobs and businesses when it come to financial subject.

I do not think you can find any better solution for the current global conflict that mostly involved with currency, financial issue than my solution.

If it is going to be implementing then you will have virtual digital gold vs paper backed by physical gold, cyber diamond vs money paper backed by real diamond, etc.
It is going to be a very interesting one.

Now it is up to the rest of this society to decide.

Best Regard,

Vision Bodhi

If No Any Entity Enter Round 1 Of My Franchising New Currency Model Idea Then Round 2 Is Off

If No Any Entity Enter Round 1 Of My Franchising New Currency Model Idea Then Round 2 Is Off

I think:

  • 14 days are enough to make an easy decision/choice of whether giving it a real safe try or not.
  • Waiting longer for round 2 is absolutely unnecessary if no any entity enter round 1.

=> Therefore, if no any entity enter round 1 of my franchising new currency model idea/vision then round 2 will be off.
And also I will be most likely off as well.
So I can give room for the rest of this civilization can fight/kill each others longer before realizing they need to believe and listen to me the real Savior Messiah Buddha with a clear product that can end the global currency conflict.

Thank you,
Vision Bodhi

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Only My New Intelligent Digital Gold Can Defeat The Real Physical Gold !

Only My New Intelligent Digital Gold Can Defeat The Real Physical Gold ! The only way to defeat the real physical gold is using my new intelligent digital gold idea/vision just revealed few days ago in Singapore. Do not believe that? You can think about it or give it a real test in real life ! If I have to make the call, I would probably accept and let the entities who want to make the gold-backed currency paper become reality (but with couple of years delay after the intelligent digital gold come online first). But that is from my point of view, I do not understand the mindset of the rest. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha

My New Currency Model Is The Final Missing Puzzle Of The Final Global Financial System

My New Currency Model Is The Final Missing Puzzle Of The Final Global Financial System

I do believe my new currency model is the final missing puzzle in the new grand final global financial monetary system.

As far as I understand, the current proposal is:

- International currency: currency based on real physical assets such as gold, silver.

- Domestic currency: fiat money where each national government able to print endless fiat money.

The big issue/conflict is some team disagree with that new international currency backed by asset while some others agree.

To me, there could be 2 separate international currency system that co-exist together:

1. The international currency model based on people trust, believe, intelligence (my new system just shared few days ago).

2. The currency backed by physical asset of gold, silver, etc.

Each system above have their own weakness and strength, cannot exchange for each other. Therefore, they can co-exist in harmony.

And at the end of the day, they are just the illusion currency, people still have to work !

But now the question is: how to implement, which go first go second or go at the same time. Well it is up to each people belief.

Best Regard,

Vision Bodhi

I Hope All World Military Send The Best Beings To Remove The Crazy Corruption In Vietnam Immediately

I Hope All World Military Send The Best Beings To Remove The Crazy Corruption In Vietnam Immediately

If you ask me, why is took me so long in order to find and reveal the new international currency model/paradigm to end all the current world conflict, then my answer is because of the crazy corruption in Vietnam regime.

Many of them did blackmail and kidnaps my family members and constantly trying to attack me both directly & indirectly.

Even now, I am not feel well, not comfortable to do anything at this moment at my current living place.

Although I have revealed the core idea/vision of new currency model which I believe is going to end the current world conflict but I still not going to touch or do anything further while I am still in this corrupt Vietnam nation.

Frankly, if not because of those corrupt beings in Vietnam, I would have able to find and reveal the world solution in the year of 2020-2021 already.

I want revenge !

Not only in Vietnam but all beings/entities who in the secret societies/group that attacking me, slowing me down must gone, eliminated !

That is the MUST condition for any nation to able to fully use my new currency system model/paradigm.

You need to understand that only the national government receive my using license will able to create endless fiat money paper.

But for now, I do hope and calling all the best beings from this current world military send the best beings to Vietnam to eliminate all the corrupt evil forces that was & are attacking me.

It is easy for me to do it my myself but in exchange, I won’t able to continue help any of you anymore !

I will only choose that option if my non of you listen and took action.


The Savior Messiah Buddha

All The Savior’s Offer Is Off The Table Except The One Related With Global Currency

All The Savior’s Offer Is Off The Table Except The One Related With Global Currency

The all-in play is on already.

Now I do not have any desire nor motivation to sell/offer any things to the rest of this civilization except the international currency model/paradigm system.

So do not ask me anything any other things except the world issue of currency conflict.

Thank You,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea

The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea

How to make the Russia, Israel stop war within 24 hours?

All you need to do is show them my brand new global currency model/paradigm idea then threatening them (those nations) of either stop war immediately within 24 hours or not allow to receive the using license/permission !

I do not have any direct contact with those top leaders of those nations and their group.

If you want to end the stupid current physical deadly weapon war with animal behavior and enter the new war of real human intelligence, then all you need to do is investing or cooperating with me to make that new international currency project become reality as soon as possible.

My new international currency system have 2 purpose and objective:

1. Replacing all the national fiat currency money in all the international transactions between nations.

2. Become the primary currency for the digital platform.

Too big, too ambitious, but I think that is how a real digital currency should be !

You must understand the potential of digital technology and how to utilize to the highest potential if you want to have the winning product(here is international currency).

And I strongly believe, my new currency idea will outplay all kind of physical assets including gold/silver (even in case any beings/entities make rule of using physical gold/silver/oil to settle any business transactions).

Because the number of people who have some decent amount of gold/silver is less than 0.01% of total world population.

With the raise of technology media, people will know what type of currency they should be use.

I think the USA and the West should let the East play their own book of physical gold/silver.

The only final winning product is my new international digital currency vision !

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

New Currency Using Permission Requirement For Each Nations Will Be Announced In Near Future

New Currency Using Permission Requirement For Each Nations Will Be Announced In Near Future

As I have said not long ago, there are 2 type of license/permission: creating/owning new international (digital) currency and currency using permission for nations.

It is because it related to power of “printing fiat money” within nation and also for the democracy, fairness living of the people, it is very sensitive subject.

I will only make announcement related to that issue when at least 1 entity either obtain the license or cooperate with me to make a real new international (digital) currency project.

But overall, all nations must respect the people choice of merging or creating their own nation. It is a very tough subject and issue so I can only focus later when my mind more freely (probably when my personal issue is fully resolved, now not yet).

Thank You,
Vision Bodhi

The Opportunity For Cooperate With My New Currency Model System Is Still Open But Limited

The Opportunity For Cooperate With My New Currency Model System Is Still Open But Limited

The original author/creator is the one who know the best, the one who can maximize the potential.

There is also a chance that nobody, no any entity have enough spiritual power and/or talent to receive directly my franchise idea/vision to make it become the first ever public product.

For that reasons, I the original author with whatever name you want to call from Messiah, Buddha to the King of Kings, etc. will still open the opportunity to cooperate with any entity who interested in making new international currency system model/paradigm.
But the maximum is 2 currency projects based on that fresh new ideology only.

Of course I must receive something I want to trade in return in order to work in that new global currency project.

Like I have said before, I only have knowledge wisdom, do not have wealth or resources or even desire to do that currency alone by myself.

So if any of you who have resources and want to cooperate with me about that new international currency model project then please contact me as soon as possible before the April 29th 2024.
Then we will discuss various stuffs, requirements that related to the project.

I have reveal my communication channel already so feel free to contact with me.

Best Regard,
Vision Bodhi

The Official Franchising Of New Currency Model Will Be Occur Either Via Digital Or Physical Meeting

The Official Franchising Of New Currency Model Will Be Occur Either Via Digital Or Physical Meeting

If any entity want to obtain license/permission in order to receiving the official franchising of my great new 3 factor/dimension currency model which I have just revealed few days ago then there could be 2 method that I can accept:
1. Via physical meeting in-person.
2. Via live streaming via digital cyber technology.

I do not know what method are allowed in this current “game of life”.
But I prefer the traditional method of physical meeting in-person so there could be some kind of paper agreement signing or something like that.

While via live streaming, it is quite difficult. But it is still doable if the live streaming is occur in public space where there are people walk around and in fair neutral nation and the top referee group “agree”.

The conditions and requirement for me to “franchising” my new currency model/paradigm is up to case to case but the overall details I have revealed before.

Contact me quick if you do not want to miss this great opportunity.

I remind all of you round 1 is till April 29th 2024 and round 2 is from May 1st to May 28th 2024.

The benefit of obtaining permission/license early is will give upper hand in term of public display and easier to remember, thus will have much greater impact.

Vision Bodhi

Monday, April 15, 2024

The Official Timeline, Guide Of Franchising License Permission My New Currency Model Idea

The Official Timeline, Guide Of Franchising License Permission My New Currency Model Idea

I have revealed the core idea/vision of how the new international (digital) currency model/paradigm should be and I strongly believe many parties/entities will interested in.

I have shared some information of how I would franchise my idea/vision already so this article is only expand and more specific.

Here is the official timeline and guide of franchising my new 3 dimension factor currency model:

- Invitation & Accepting Bid:

Round 1: from now till April 29th 2024.

Round 2: from May 1st to May 28th 2024.

Round 3, 4, 5, etc. could be later or won’t occur.

- Result announcement:

You will receive the result of whether rejected or accepted in the month of April (round 1) or May (round 2).

- Choose the name/title of new international currency:

There will be a lot of interesting name to choose from such as digital/virtual/electronic gold, silver, copper, bronze, jade, ruby, diamond, platinum, etc.

First come first serve rule: all the qualified entities who have apply in round 1 will “fight” each other in the month of May 2024 while for those who late, they will “battle” to choose the title in the month of June 2024.

- The technology, mechanism, tools, apps:

Each team will have about 100-120 days to create their own database structure, server, apps, tools, etc. (from this present moment till the end of July 2024).

- The public roll out:

In the month of August 2024 and September 2024.

Depend on the number of new digital currency and entities, I will make final decision later but overall, it will be start from August 2024 (could be sooner or later).

Who is allow to “buy”, to request the official license/permission?

All entities except the one who have attacked me directly or indirectly last 5 years.

What is the requirement?

There is no any specific requirement because I will let the people, the market decide whether your product/currency is worth to use or not.

But a non-refundable amount is minimum $20,000 USD/Euro donation is required to show the serious and capabilities of all parties/entities who want to request license/permission.

The cost/fees of license/permission of new currency model/paradigm?

I will let each team/group to “bid” by themselves.

They can send me any kind of proposal they want from one off payment and/or monthly/weekly pay and/or based on total users they receive from the public people etc.

It is very difficult to give the correct price so I will let you decide !

But from my point of view, this new currency model system have value from billion USD/Euro at least since it is going to replace the USD/Euro in international transaction cross border.

1 entity 1 currency only

In order to make sure fair and equal between all groups/entities across the globe, 1 entity is only allow to request, to own only 1 new international digital currency.

The major factor I will use are religions and skin race and maybe language/culture/geography.

The Bid/Register new 3 factors/dimensions currency form:

You can send me any kind of information you want about your team/group/entities but some major information are required are:

- The headquarter location of the project (city/nation):

- Religion:

- Skin race:

- Core language:

- Group/secret societies you are from:

- The money/fees you want to pay to receive the official license/permission of my new currency idea/vision:

I want the real information of the “leader” who is going to handling the project so please specific the information correctly (this is also must be used for the public display as well).

The license/permission is lifetime but apply only to the leader who in charged and not allow to transfer/sell to any other leader/entities.

You may change the leader player but their religion, skin race and core language must be the same.

The official permission will be written and approved by me the original creator via live streaming similar to the way I use to release the core vision of new international digital currency system/model in Singapore few days ago.

If any of you who interested in, then you can contact me & sending me the apply form to me via various difference way from email to mobile phone to website, any platforms that I current use.

The license/permission will be free only to the public after certain time (the specific I will announce when it come).

I think above information are quite enough already.

Now it is all about whether any of you agree with my brand new idea/vision or not, whether you guys want to give it a try or not !

All the rest about condition/requirement can be negotiated.

Thank You,

Vision Bodhi

Read Only - The Savior Messiah Buddha New Currency Model/Paradigm Vision

Read Only - The Savior Messiah Buddha New Currency Model/Paradigm Vision

The unlock password is depend on your level and ability !

For those who wish obtain license/permission then contact me as soon as possible.

The official timeline about the franchising process of this crazy good new global currency model will be revealed soon !

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Savior Messiah Buddha New Communication Method Update As Of April 2024

 The Savior Messiah Buddha New Communication Method Update As Of April 2024

Contact Me Directly If You Want & Have Not Yet Received My Read-Only New Currency Model

Contact Me Directly If You Want & Have Not Yet Received My Read-Only New Currency Model

I The Messiah have written and shared my new unique vision for the new currency model/paradigm in Singapore few days ago via private live streaming.

Although I have asked the top referee group and neutral entities who have access to that video/information but there is still a chance that they not going to do for whatever reason.

So if any of you who want to know my new unique currency model/paradigm information, then please contact me directly as soon as possible (before April 16th 2024).

And for those who want to either obtain license/permission of that new currency model/paradigm idea, then you guys can also contact me as well.

I have share my personal communication channel(s) already so feel free to do it.

Thank you,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Saturday, April 13, 2024

I Hope The Top Neutral Referee Group Can Send My New Currency Model Idea To All Interested Parties

I Hope The Top Neutral Referee Group Can Send My New Currency Model Idea To All Interested Parties

Hello all,

I have just got back from Singapore few hours ago.

The job is done.

Now it is the waiting time.

I hope the top neutral entities or the referee group can send my new unique currency model idea to all the interested beings/entities/parties as soon as possible.

I am not going to release to the public yet for it won’t going to change anything for you need real product to test to check to see the real life result.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Very soon, back-end adminstrators and top referee group take notes !

 Very soon, back-end adminstrators and top referee group take notes !

God speed. Booked and flight within 24 hours. The final world solution will be released very soon in this week. Be the witness. Thank you, The Savior Messiah Buddha

Sunday, April 7, 2024

All The Offers Is Off The Table From The Next Lunar Moon Of April 8th 2024

All The Offers Is Off The Table From The Next Lunar Moon Of April 8th 2024 All of my offers in all areas from human development evolution to “blind” new international currency model/paradigm or any kind of project are off the table from the next lunar moon of April 8th 2024 (about over 30 hours from this writing). The reason is I need to focus and concentrate 100% to decide what I should going to do next with my vision for a completely new international currency model/paradigm system that never seen before in this civilization last 10,000 years. If you have not yet contact or have any pre-agreement with me about any offer then I won’t accept any kind of new agreement or offer(s) after above deadline. It is all or nothing moment, I do not have much desire/motivation anymore so I will have my final decision before leaving/disconnecting completely. Regard, The Savior Messiah Buddha

Bad signs just received, I must be extremely careful right now

Bad signs just received, I must be extremely careful right now I will have to take at least few days off to rethink everything again before make final decision. The complicated issue because it involved with not only low level beings but also high level entities at the same time. It is a headache for me at the moment. Regard, The Savior

The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now

The Project Ascension Joy Is Permanently Close From Now I think the mission is done. I do not see any reason to continue this project “As...