Tuesday, November 7, 2023

You Must Create New Goal, New Objective For The Public People In This Dying Society

You Must Create New Goal, New Objective For The Public People In This Dying Society

Read only, do not allowed to used for any purpose.
Content from the Sacred Divine World Solution Document written by me the Savior.

At the macro level and from the point of “game developer” similarity, the only way to save this dying society civilization is create new goal, new objective for people to have new reason to live.

Now what majority people do everyday?
Work → Eat → Play → Sleep

Why in the free time, people usually using smart phone, machine for mostly useless activity like playing video games, read news, gossip chat.
And those activities are USELESS, do not make them become better person for the society, does not help the environment but only help the technology industry to make more money only.
Here I mean MAJORITY (at least 90% for sure).

Most mass public people (at least 99%) only have the goal of making as much money as possible then live till dead. Which is not the correct way of choice and live.

Thus the very top entities who is current “control, manage” this mortal life must create new goal, new objective for the public people to conquer, to obtain, to reach.

What new goal, objective should be ?
I would call and pick the “Religions Friendly Certificate/Degree” such as “Islam Friendly Certificate”, “Jewish Support Verification”, “Christians Friendly Verified”, “Buddhism Lover”, “Hinduism Connection”, etc.

What are the “Religions Friendly Certificate/Degree” mean?
There will be some kind of exam for whoever want to obtain those religious certificate/degree just like many popular language exams such as IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, HSK, HSKK, TOPIK, NLPT, etc.

Religions are sacred and have a lot of hidden teaching and lessons most people do not fully understand yet (even those in that religion).

How many people truly know the purpose and meaning of “HALAL” food, “KOSHER” food ? Probably less than 0.01% of total world population !

Between spending time for pointless activities on smartphone, machine for nothing, it is better for the mass public people to learn religions instead.

What the “Religious Friendly Certificate Degree” used for?
It should be used for “show off” and for “discount, support” from other entities who want.

The Islamic company can give people who with “Islamic Friendly Certificate” a discount of 20% to 50% to 100% for their products/services (depend on the grade).
How about the oil, gas discount with 50% discount ?

Well that would be rock and will bring a lot of people study, learning Islam religion for sure.

And if combination with my previous vision/strategy of new product label, new company/corporations and new cities of 100% of some kind, then you probably have a very fun and interesting society, a new era on Earth for sure.

Of course that is just my quick thought only, for complete system then it would need more time and more work, but it is much better for each religious group to create that kind of system.

If you cannot insert more direct money?
Then create new certificate/degree that can give people discount.

How fun and interesting is that?

Of course, only high level beings entities can agree with my vision/strategy, while the stupid will reject it but I still share my idea here.

Best Regard,
The Savior
The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings

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