Who Legit, How To Exchange For The New World Silver Gold Backed Currency
Each people, each beings have their own ideas, own vision of how the global currency reset unfolding. Some could be “correct” but most will be “wrong” for sure.
Based on my current vision as of a very high level beings, I can see and tell you something like this: The official public redemption/exchange for the new world natural resources backed currency will be funny, crazy, chaos, non-sense, blow people mind !
What are the natural resources backed currency?
They are like current fiat money paper with one new feature “you can exchange it for physical asset as the notes written”.
If the new bank notes that backed 1000 gram (1kg) of Gold then you will able to change that “useless fiat paper” for 1kg of Gold at certain location (mostly either the military based or big bank that holding/having natural resources).
How many type and specific new international natural resources backed currencies?
In my opinion, there will be 3 type at least: copper, silver, gold.
But there is a small chance of only silver and gold. And an extremely low chance of gold only.
The roll out will be from the lowest value to the most value (rare) so it will be copper => silver => gold.
The time between each roll out could be from few months to few years.
The redemption, exchange will be very crazy for there are too many possibilities and I am not the official who will make final decision yet.
But if I was the caller then the redemption must be including human development evolution feature within !
Thus, not all people will allowed to exchange how high value, bus there will be some kind of rules, restriction, agreement.
You will able to exchange the old out-of-circulation bank notes for the new international natural resources backed currency such as the Zimbabwe ZWR, Iraq Dinar, Yugoslavia, etc.
But the amount, the quantity will be varies and different depend on many factors.
You will exchange for amount quantity of copper, silver, gold but not for any fiat money paper. You can exchange for local fiat money paper later for using that the market rate later.
Who legit and allowed to be exchange ?
That question should be change to “what rule, restriction for currency holders”.
– Only real person are allowed, do not allowed any kind of illusion entity such as Robot, company, organizations.
– Only the true currency owner are allowed, do not allow any “paid actor” or “agents”.
That is the fundamental rules apply to all kind of exchange.
There will be more restrictions, rule depend on the “quantity/amount” of currency holders later.
– For small quantity (such as under < 1 kg Gold or <100 kg Silver): there won’t be any rules, restrictions.
– For medium quantity (over > 20 kg Gold or > 1 tonne Silver): there will some rules like:
+ Currency holder must stop working immediately for any beings, group, organization.
+ Currency holder do not have any secret contract, agreement will any beings, entities, groups about “obey” their order/command to do something.
Which mean you cannot be member of any group, secret societies, etc but must be a solo player !
– For large quantity (over > 100 kg Gold or > 10 tonne Silver): the restrictions, secret rule will be more, the currency holders must take responsibilities for the society result with some extra secret agreement such as:
+ Not allow to fund any group/organization.
+ Not allow to form/join any group will purpose of “mind control, mind manipulation” over others.
*Whoever violate will lost the “blessing” exchange funds immediately.
There won’t be any limited quantity each people allowed to “received”.
But not all people are the same.
1 trillion nanograms = 1 billion micrograms = 1 million milligram = 1000 gram = 1 kilogram.
1 kg of Silver now equal $751 USD.
So if you have 100 trillions Zimbabwe bank note then you will receive $751,000 USD
1 kg of Gold now equal about $63,000 USD.
So if you have 20 trillions Zimbabwe bank note then you will receive $1,260,000 USD
If the nanogram is the starting point.
But you can increase and change the starting point from nanogram to microgram, miligram or even gram if you able to pass the secret test of the natural resources giveaways beings.
That test will be the most difficult one and no any machine can help you !
Well they are the secret for a very small tiny group so I won’t go into deep detail here.
You will receive the “fund/amount” within certain time frame depend on your quantity. You can receive one-off payment or schedule payment monthly, yearly depend on your choice, quantity, agreement and the whole situation.
Above are the overall basic exchange info for the mass public people.
There will be more than 1 entity will handle the exchange/redemption depend on each region/nation.
There could be some extra cases for beings who want to create new jobs, new businesses, etc.
It is a very large, complicated, crazy event for sure.
Since I am not the official and I am not in good situation and do not have desire motivation to think more, to craft more detail so I will stop here.
It would takes at least 20+ pages to express everything related to this crazy complicated redemption blessing event for sure, too much and no reason for me to spend more time without receiving any worthy thing in return.
But in my vision, this exchange redemption event is just 1 small section in the whole picture of new world economy evolution.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings
From: https://ascensionjoy.com/10/2023/who-legit-how-to-exchange-for-the-new-world-silver-gold-backed-currency/
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