Understand The Situation And What It Take To End World Chaos
Original Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/understand-the-situation-and-what-it-take-to-end-world-chaos/
The current world situation are very complex and it required a not only one single new idea or vision but a set of many joint together.
There are too many issues because of each beings entities have different ideology about life.
Here are the truth:
– You must fully understand both physical and spiritual world to the highest level.
– You must know the history last 10,000 years of this civilization.
– You must know, understand all the industries at collective level. From old agriculture to modern technology, from religions to human management, etc.
– Your mindset not only have “remember” ability but also the creative ability as well.
– You must explain your new vision, idea to satisfy both the high level beings and low level beings at the same time. Here are including the referee group, national government, royal families, powerful public and private organizations, etc.
That is the MUST general condition.
That is the normal understanding.
If looking from a video game developer then you have:
The current mortal game are outdated but you are required to make new big features to make it more interesting but all old features are still remain.
The truth is that even if you know how to live to 1000 years then that still not enough to solve the world conflict !
That example is just show you how hard complex situation of this current society right now !
The good news is that I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha have successfully found a perfect solution not long time ago.
The bad news is that I no longer have any desire, motivation left to reveal it since top beings, entities do not want to hear it at all.
From my personal experience since I was born till now, the corruption level of this world are off the chart and through the roof to the point that even if I share my solution to end world chaos online then it will be 100% got stolen for sure.
I must play the rule of this mortal society world, I cannot follow the stupid Universe world.
For all the reasons combine together, I will only reveal that divine sacred solution to end world chaos if my conditions are met.
Otherwise, there is absolutely no chance !
And my requirement condition is beyond finance, wealth !
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Health, Wealth, Spiritual, Planet Earth, The Universe, Knowledge, Wisdom, Information, Ideas, Words
Friday, June 30, 2023
Understand The Situation And What It Take To End World Chaos
Thursday, June 29, 2023
America USA Last Hope: Me The Messiah
America USA Last Hope: Me The Messiah
Original Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/america-usa-last-hope-me-the-messiah/
The United State of Americas USA are dying and on the verse of a total collapse but the real reason is a very complicated and beyond the understanding of many people, beings, entities even though in many top organization both in public and private.
If you ask the first big nation going to collapse in this entire civilization then it must be the USA, why?
– Because they are the immigrated nation and very easy to “copy”, “replicate”.
– Because they was and are still receiving a great opportunity to begin the great civilization evolution if they doing it “correct”.
In my big vision and solution to end world chaos then the USA will receive too many benefits and have huge advantage over other big nations (like China, India, Russia, European, etc.).
And because of that reason and many of my personal situation and reasons, I am not going to release that great “cure” when I do not like it and want it.
All of my previous words, information, solution for this society chaos which I have shared for free are not the ultimate final answer because I did not think much (since do not receive any benefit by doing that).
The USA will be the first nation going to collapse in the domino chain when I the real Messiah completely go away from the internet, which in few weeks time at the maximum.
If you want to save the United States USA, then you must contact and tell US Government, US military to contact me the real Messiah as soon as possible to receive the “official cure” to end world chaos.
Or if you are just the neutral entities and want world peace, more interesting life then you can also contact me (if you able to do something) to see whether I will willing to share or not.
I will only release the “cure” when I like and want it but for now, not a chance ! Because I feel terrible and huge disappointed with the current corrupt society !
The solution to end world conflict are very complicated because it is related to all many different things from finance to philosophy to jobs to ideology of living, etc.
Only the beings have level of at least equal or higher the neutral referee group like me able to craft that kind of solution.
I will completely offline soon so send share this message to all beings, entities, governments, big groups organizations if you want to save the world from total collapse.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
All The Books Products Services On AscensionJoy Are Pay Per Will Selling Model From Now
All The Books Products Services On AscensionJoy Are Pay Per Will Selling Model From Now
Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/all-the-books-products-services-on-ascensionjoy-are-pay-per-will-selling-model-from-now/
There are endless possibility in life.
After giving a hint of my real identity yesterday, even though I think it is enough already but I still want to do the pay as you will selling model manually on AscensionJoy.com to give all the stupid ignorance people from around the world a real last chance.
So from now the all the books, documents, products, services at AscensionJoy.com will have price close to 0.
The price structure from now are: volunteer initial upfront payment + volunteer donation later.
I will only selling if accept the initial upfront payment + any kind of agreement if have.
This apply to all the books services, no matter how much “karma requirement” I have requested and required before. Including all the thousands USD, Euro books documents recently as well.
But the rules permission of book using still apply the same.
This offer will available till either I make announcement to stop or when I fully close the project AscensionJoy.
Feel free to contact me immediatelly as soon as possible before it is too late.
Best Regard,
The Savior Ascension Joy
Tuesday, June 27, 2023
The Messiah’s Old Youtube Channel Got Hacked By Insiders Many Years Ago, I Want To Restore
The Messiah’s Old Youtube Channel Got Hacked By Insiders Many Years Ago, I Want To Restore
Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=186
When I am checking and rethinking my good fund old day, I found out that my old youtube channel (14 years ago) either got hacked by some entity (mostly the insider big entity).
The current youtube channel name is @AMDFIFAKILLER .
Probably got edited by some corrupt entities already since I remember Youtube only recently allow using “@” for channel name but not 14 years ago.
FIFAKILLER is my video game nickname back in the day around the year 2008 – 2010.
While AMD is the company host the video making challenge with some reward.
I am 100% sure that most if not all of my videos at the moment on that channel are not my original videos but got some kind of edited by some hacked entities.
– The avatar is fake, not mine.
– I never use any politician image, how the hell there are politicians on my channel and video ?!
– Even the title of many videos got hacked too.
You can check the owner and verify for me very easily.
Just ask Google Youtube and do some research.
I as the original owner of that youtube channel want it either be deleted or all my original videos must be restored as the original state.
I only uploaded video once and never make any editions or re-uploaded.
The data all linked to me since I did receive reward back then for my VOD. So it very easy to contact me personally to check to verify.
Since I do not have any direct contact or connection with top entities so cannot ask them to do anything directly, thus I am telling that story and hope if any of you can contact Youtube team and AMD team can check, verify and do as my demand since those works belong to me FIFAKILLER .
Because some corrupt entity could take advantage of my words to deceive others so I really shutting all the misunderstand information or any kind of cheating others.
Feel free to contact me directly or in-personally to see, to check, to verify my works.
Monday, June 26, 2023
So The Plan A Is Off Because No Any Entities Interested, Now It Is Either Plan B or Nothing
So The Plan A Is Off Because No Any Entities Interested, Now It Is Either Plan B or Nothing
Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/so-the-plan-a-is-off-because-no-any-entities-interested-now-it-is-either-plan-b-or-nothing/
Today is June 26th 2023 and I still not receive any proposal or contact to donation from any beings entities so the plan A the plan to save this society from the top with fastest speed is off the table.
Both free and paid option I have given but nobody want to save this society thus there is no reason for me to do it.
Now there are only 2 option left: plan B or nothing (give up).
Plan B is I still save this society via indirect way of help assist people via knowledge wisdom in general (but only beings who have strong will power will receive the benefit to evolve above “animal mindset”).
Mostly via either new book or document through the “pay as you will” model platform.
But now I do not have any fund and desire motivation to do it. So for the next couple of day till the end of this month June 2023, I will wait to see whether or not have any entities show any support or me or not.
With the current situation, there is absolutely zero chance for me to carry the plan B.
The worse case is nothing more from me (which mean I will give up everything), not going to try to save any entities in this society any more.
The life you know on Earth is just one of many worlds in the Universe.
There is no reason to put all the basket and hope on the current civilization on this planet Earth.
I have sacrifice myself too much already but did not receive anything at all !
Couple of days left only.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Sunday, June 25, 2023
If I Open A New Secret Group For Human Ascension Evolution, Would You Join ?
If I Open A New Secret Group For Human Ascension Evolution, Would You Join ?
Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/if-i-open-a-new-secret-group-for-human-ascension-evolution-would-you-join/
It seem no any entities want to know the macro solution strategy to end world conflicts but they prefer war chaos.
Which mean plan A is off from me, now it is plan B or plan C only.
So I am thinking of opening a private secret group with purpose of help assist other people to ascend evolve to become better beings.
The topic mostly about human evolution, how to become smarter stronger healthier, understanding life on Earth and the Universe.
I will share many secret information that only the top secret military controllers knew (not allowed to reveal in the public mainstream media).
The group will run based on volunteer donation, no any force payment.
Members are free to join and free to leave.
Members do not receive any “orders” or “command” in this secret group.
This group is more like an online educating class.
It is pointless and just waste of time to follow the mainstream media for gossip news.
It is better to “grow” yourself, to become “Gods” or something like that.
I still not know whether or not start this group.
What the requirement you think are “fair” for new members?
I only want serious member, not the information grabber or spy or anything like that.
Should it require real personal information?
What online platform are great to communicate between member now?
Do you want to support this group?
If any of you interested in this idea then please let me know.
I will gather information and answer any question if have.
Will make decision by the end of this month June 2023.
The Messiah
Thursday, June 22, 2023
I The Savior Have Put All The Divine Offer, Sacred Information On The Table For This Society
I The Savior Have Put All The Divine Offer, Sacred Information On The Table For This Society
Original Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/i-the-savior-have-put-all-the-divine-offer-sacred-information-on-the-table-for-this-society/
So after having all the necessary information about the life on this civilization, I have also put all the offer, sacred books documents with purpose of help assist this entire civilization whether it is world geopolitics or human help or economy trade war or ascension evolution of each individual person.
You need to understand that 1 single idea is not enough but you need a set of many unique ideas come together in a package in order to solve this chaos society problem between nations, groups, beings, entities !
Despite of the fact that I have shared many free ideas, new information for free last few years but they are not enough yet because I did not have full picture for this entire civilization.
But now I have found and discovered all the puzzles !
With my terrible personal experience so far last 5 years, I understand that I cannot trust any beings, any entities.
That is why I am providing both option of free and non-free (premium) for all kind of beings entities to choose how they want to obtain my sacred information knowledge wisdom.
– If providing free then some will say “the Savior trying to gain some karma”.
– If providing non-free then some will say “see, the Savior would never ask for any kind of money for any new idea”.
Well I am not going to waste time to debate but just put both option of free and non-free for all to choose from !
Not only the sacred information, knowledge wisdom for all the issue of this society from individual to national level, I also “selling” raw commercial idea, vision in some great projects as well.
But I do not have much time left to wait all of you so I can only provide, give the opportunity for several days.
Remember the deadline is June 28th 2023 (28-06-2023).
If you really want to either help this society, help your nation or help yourself then you must obtain my sacred information document. They are 100% safe and also 100% working, do not have any draw back or any type of deceiving/manipulating that I can guaranteed.
That is the best things I the real Savior Messiah Buddha can help assist this society, civilization.
I cannot help people or entities who do not want to receive help !
By giving the final offer, opportunity to all beings nations entities in an equal way, I do not have any regret left since I have finished my hidden duty for this society.
I do not know my future yet but mostly will goodbye all after above deadline (if I do not find any finance or desire motivation to continue to work).
So if you really want to end the world chaos, have a better more interesting life then you can support me as much as soon as possible via many way such as send share my messages offers to all beings entities or make donation or obtain my books documents or obtain buy the license of my projects, etc.
I will make my final decision and my future path by the end of this month June 2023 depend on the situation of myself and also this society world.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Book: Secret Human Physical Spiritual Cultivation Guide Tutorial By The Grand Master
Book: Secret Human Physical Spiritual Cultivation Guide Tutorial By The Grand Master
Source, more info: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/book-secret-human-physical-spiritual-cultivation-guide-tutorial-by-the-grand-master/
The most important things in life is always personal individual level at both physical and spiritual field.
All other subjects are just fake and not really important.
If you have not yet archive the Nirvana status like Gautama Buddha or me the real Savior Messiah, then if you think various subject such as climate change, trade war, nation economy, etc. are more important than individual personal matter (such as longevity, health, etc.), then you are probably have big mindset problem !
During my ascension journey, I have found, discovered many secret techniques methods that greatly help me to become an immortal beings (obtain the Nirvana status).
Now after fully found the public cure for world chaos, I have no regret left but just want to give last opportunity for all beings entities who believe in me and want to have new secret sacred information about physical spiritual cultivation (including everything like super power super ability as well).
Combine with the modern technology, information, I have decide to write the greatest book about human cultivation (both physical and spiritual) that will increase personal longevity to many more hundreds years if not thousand if not forever (depend on each individual beings).
I cannot give it for free for that not the way of life.
The karma requirement for this book is $2000 USD for 1 single person + volunteer donation later (depend on each people will).
The reason I am using pay as you will model for this book is because I think it would cost many millions if not billions but I want all beings can obtain this book so I will only use $2000 USD as the upfront payment while the remaining later will based on each individual wealth condition and their desire.
This book is not allowed to buy sell share trade any information or/in the book with any beings/entities.
I will also add some hidden magic to make sure 1 copies 1 person/beings only, anyone who violate will receive heavily punishment (even sudden dead or lost of something)
I do accept both one off payment and schedule planned payment.
This book will available for the next 7 days as the minimum.
Beyond that timeline, I could still sell or stop (depend on my personal situation at the moment).
I am not going to sell this book again in the future so be quick !
So if you really want to obtain the greatest book that help you increase your personal level so you can increase your longevity, become stronger, have more power in real life then you must obtain this book as soon as possible.
Have any question or want to talk chat negotiation, feel free to contact with me when I am still available.
Best Regard,
The Savior Ascension Joy
Book: How To Guide Help Assist The Sleepy Public People With Correct Strategy Wisdom
Book: How To Guide Help Assist The Sleepy Public People With Correct Strategy Wisdom
Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/book-how-to-guide-help-assist-the-sleepy-public-people-with-correct-strategy-wisdom/
I was planned to make many projects to help assist the sleepy public people but I do not have that opportunity to do that for many reasons.
And now, I am soon fully disconnect with the society so I have decide to share the correct strategy, overall knowledge guide to help assist the sleepy public people.
This book is about human race in general, not specific in any particular nation.
The information in this book is at least in the military grade category (and even beyond that). It focus on real human knowledge wisdom and how to create new project (books, games, app, website, etc.) to help other people to understand, to know more about human secret, human body, life on Earth and the Universe.
This book is very useful for the people, group, entities who are in charge of the “human management” department such as national government, royal families, international organizations or entities who want to make money via educating others.
But if you just want to increase your hidden spiritual power then this book is also a very good choice as well because knowledge is the only real power in life !
The karma requirement for this book is $2000 USD for 1 single person.
Not allowed to buy sell share trade any information or/in the book with any beings/entities.
I will also add some hidden magic to make sure 1 copies 1 person/beings only, anyone who violate will receive heavily punishment (even sudden dead or lost of something)
I do accept both one off payment and schedule planned payment.
This book not designed for normal people but only for the very top beings entities.
This book will available for the next 7 days as the minimum.
Beyond that timeline, I could still sell or stop (depend on my personal situation at the moment).
If you want to help your nation, your group or just want to increase your personal power then you should obtain this book as soon as possible.
I am not going to sell this book again in the future so be quick !
Have any question or want to talk chat negotiation, feel free to contact with me when I am still available.
Best Regard,
The Savior Ascension Joy
All The Useless Leaders Are Deserve To Be Gone
All The Useless Leaders Are Deserve To Be Gone
Several days left only for their survival.
All of the useless eater leaders are all deserved to be gone, vanished forever !
All the super Gods Deities are now only waiting me to part away completely with this mortal affair so they can freely come in and destroy all those useless leaders !
Do not bet against the super gods deities team.
How mortal humans treat animals ?
Then that is how those super gods deities team treat the mortal humans in a same way (at least for 99.99% cases).
I do not have any patience left and can only give all those useless leaders several days to wake up and make their wise choice to save themselves from the heavy punishment made by super gods deities.
The only way for them to save themselves is put hope on me via either big donation or direct communication, there is no other way to save themselves !
No joke but a very serious warning message letter.
You should send share this warning to all beings entities especially the top leaders both in the shadow and public.
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Worse Event Than COVID Pandemic, Russia Ukraine War Will Occur In 2023
Worse Event Than COVID Pandemic, Russia Ukraine War Will Occur In 2023
With the current pace, current situation of world geopolitics and me the Savior living condition and current thinking, then I can reveal with you that a much worse event than the COVID pandemic or the Russia Ukraine war will occur very soon in 2023.
All the mortal humans calculation are meaningless because the real beings, entities who have power and truly in charged of this civilization are the super deities gods.
It could be the official USA bankrupt and collapse.
It could be the public nuclear war.
It could be the natural disaster such as Three Gorges Dams or the Yellow Stone Volcano break up or just casual Bible floods in big cities.
It could be the real virus diseases.
The list are endless but one thing for sure is that when I the only person have enough power, ability to help assist this civilization stop care about this society completely then all the super Gods Deities will come in and destroy everything immediately.
But with the current pace, no any entities from this society especially the top government, royal families believe, care and support me at all.
As the result, I will soon disappear after finish my hidden duty of giving out hope, offer and opportunity to all of you in public way.
I am not blackmail because I do not threatening with any evidence but this is the divine warning to all of mortal humans beings in this civilization.
Take this message and treat, act is seriously or you will gone !
Feel free to send share this information, letter, message to all !
Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
The End Of USA, China, EU Are Very Near Because They Do Not Respect Me The Savior
The End Of USA, China, EU Are Very Near Because They Do Not Respect Me The Savior
I can tell you that the official end of many big nations such as USA, China, EU are very near (from few weeks to less than 12 months from now).
Because they do not respect me the real Savior Messiah Buddha.
They are still living with animal mindset, they do not understand basic law of karma, basic law of life !
I as the real Savior was calling and seeking for support but get total ignored.
All those stupid leaders only believe in shamans, ritual performers or magic. They do not know how to use mindset to judge messages, words.
Even then a decent normal people understand that it is better to try everything rather than put all eggs in one basket but many if not all leaders simply do not understand that safety rules.
It took me so much time just to have a full picture of this mortal humans life affair due to many reasons especially lack of support from others.
Now after found all the puzzles to end all world conflicts, I no longer have desire to do anything anymore.
I am giving last chance, last opportunity to all beings, entities, nations to save themselves.
But most likely, they will ignore my warning and they won’t even just to give it a try.
As the result, many nations will official publicly gone very soon (from few weeks to maximum less than 12 months from now).
So you better prepare for the total collapse of many big nations such as the United States of Americas, China, European Union, etc.
I am writing this message to give them both hope and warning.
Whether they (big entities, groups, national GOV) and you the readers believe or not, it is a totally new different story.
Best Regard,
The Savior Ascension Joy
Monday, June 19, 2023
I The Savior Seeking Global Support Last Time To End World Problems
I The Savior Seeking Global Support Last Time To End World Problems
Original Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/06/2023/i-the-savior-seeking-global-support-last-time-to-end-world-problems/
I have all the knowledge, wisdom, information that can end world problems but I am lacking of certain ingredients to make it become reality.
Because we are living in a world full of chaos, conflicts and life with a lot of corrupt beings, entities.
From my own personal experience and personal situation at the moment, I am looking for 2 types of support:
– Help me connect with top governments, groups to release my sacred information solution to end all world conflicts.
– Help me to remove my financial burden, I am have spent all of my money just to connect, understand the mortal life of this world already and do not have any money left to do anything.
I fully known and understand that when my godlike solution come to top royal families, national governments then I will receive a lot of money for my works, for my ideas my visions. But you need to understand that there are a lot of “barrier” that is why I am looking for beings, entities who can help me connect, talk with real top official royal families group and/or national governments.
That is the plan A. But if cannot find any trustworthy entities then I will go with plan B.
In plan B, I will probably start new project to help, assist small group of people in this society via various way such as through books, secret education class in normal way just like normal humans.
But even then, I still need some kind of money/finance to start any new project.
I prefer plan A because it is the fastest way to bring world peace (probably less than 30 days if my visions my ideas can appear to major royal families , national governments).
Due to the fact that I have tried and spent a lot of times try to find the “cure”, help assist this civilization over last 5 years already so now I do not have any time left.
So please show your support either via make donation or obtain my book/document or share me any communication channel of big group, contact with me as soon as possible, I can only wait you guys gals for the next 10 days or so (June 2023).
I will make my final decision about everything by the end of June 2023.
Best Regard,
The Savior Ascension Joy
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